2003-Apr-03 11:08 UTC
[R] R Foundation for Statistical Computing
The R Development Core Team would like to formally announce the creation of the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The Foundation is incorporated in Austria and the specific details can be viewed at: There are many reasons for this decision on our part, largely it is based on the belief that R has become a mature and valuable tool and we would like to ensure its continued development and the development of future innovations in software for statistical and computational research. The R Foundation is a not for profit foundation whose general goals are to provide support for the R project and other innovations in statistical computing. The R Foundation will provide a reference point for individuals, instititutions or commercial enterprises that want to support or interact with the R development community. We would like to solicit memberships from interested parties (individual and institutional) in the R Foundation. Details regarding fees and membership categories can be obtained from the web site and email enquiries can be sent to R-foundation at Among the goals of the Foundation are the support of continued development of R, the exploration of new methodology, teaching and training of statistical computing and the organization of meetings and conferences with a statistical computing orientation. We hope to attract sufficient funding to make these goals realities. For the R Development Core Team: Robert Gentleman & Ross Ihaka (Presidents, R Foundation) Friedrich Leisch (Secretary General, R Foundation)