In which package is the stablereg function?
I could not find it in any of the CRAN packages, and vaguely recall it
may be in one of Jim Lindsey's. In any case, the best thing to do is to
ask the author.
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 pfm401 at wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am having difficulty interpreting the parameter estimates from the
> function. Specifically I am trying to keep things simple to start with by
> using stablereg to fit a normal distribution to a simulated data set from
> that distribution (in order to understand the way that stablereg reports
> parameter estimates). I cannot work out the scale on which the dispersion
> parameter (some function of the standard deviation if the data are normal)
> is reported. The location parameter i.e. the mean is obvious.
> For example:
> set.seed(1234)
> # Simulate normal data with mean 5 and sd 2 using rstable>
> mean(normal5.2)
> [1] 5.010073
> sd(normal5.2)
> [1] 2.005362
> # summary(lm(normal5.2~1)) yields similar results
> # Normal model, as skew=0 and tail=2
> yields :
> Call:
> stablereg(y = normal5.2, loc = ~1, disp = ~1, iloc = 5, idisp = 2/sqrt(2),
> iskew = 0, itail = 2, oskew = F, otail = F)
> -Log likelihood 21498.69
> No. of obs 10000
> No. of estimated parameters 2
> No. of parameters 4
> Degrees of freedom 9998
> AIC 21500.69
> Iterations 6
> Location parameters
> ~1
> estimate se
> (Intercept) 5.015 0.02011
> Dispersion parameters
> estimate se
> 1 0.2888 0.008753
> Correlations:
> 1 2
> 1 1.000000 -0.001761
> 2 -0.001761 1.000000
> so that 5.015 is indeed the (approx.) mean. As dispersion uses a log link
> function and disp=sd/sqrt(2) for the normal (I think!) I tried
> sqrt(2)*exp(0.2888)
> which gives 1.887727
> and 95% confidence limits at sqrt(2)*exp(0.2888+-1.96*0.008753)
> i.e. (1.854968,1.921065)
> Without going into more detail I have tried this for different parameter
> values and simulations and cannot resolve the dispersion parameter to the
> standard deviation. Clearly I am missing something!!
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul.
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