Dear coleagues, I wrote a script for a multiple comparisions like Scheffe test, according Zar, JH. Biostatiscal Analysis pg.196.. my data is fish larvae abundance with 4 tratments month (with 12 levels), year (with 9 levels), station of year (with 4 levels) and area (with 3 levels) after an anova procedure i apply this: Scheffe<-function(mxa,mxb,ms,na,nb,k,F){ # Scheffe test for multiple comparision # where mxa is mean of A(month, year,station or area # mxb is some but other treatment # ms is mean square of anova results # na is number of A sample nb is number # of sample B, k is degree of freedon of # of treatments and F is critical value to # to compare #if S > Scrit -reject H0 else S < Scrit -accept H0 SE<-sqrt(ms*(1/na+1/nb)) S<-abs(mxb-mxa)/SE Scrit<-sqrt((k-1)*F) if (S > Scrit) result<-c("rej H0") else result<-c("ac H0") return(cbind(S,Scrit,result)) } Is there some errors?? Is possible find the F values in R?? Thanks for some help Marcelo