?data says
4. files ending `.csv' are read using `read.table(..., header
= TRUE, sep = ";")', and also result in a data frame.
That may well be found first, so you need to rename bailey.csv.
You don't tell us your OS, but it looks like Windows where sorts often
have c before R in the default locale:> sort(c(letters, LETTERS))
[1] "a" "A" "b" "B" "c"
"C" "d" "D" "e" "E"
"f" "F" "g" "G" "h"
"H" "i" "I" "j"
[20] "J" "k" "K" "l" "L"
"m" "M" "n" "N" "o"
"O" "p" "P" "q" "Q"
"r" "R" "s" "S"
[39] "t" "T" "u" "U" "v"
"V" "w" "W" "x" "X"
"y" "Y" "z" "Z"
On Sun, 2 Mar 2003, Christopher Adolph wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to put together examples in an R package, and am having
> reading data from the package's data directory. The data are in
> comma-separated variable files, so to read a file like gw.csv, I include
> in the data directory both bailey.csv and a file bailey.R which contains:
> bailey <- read.csv("bailey.csv",na.strings=".");
> so that typing
> data(bailey)
> should load the data from bailey.csv.
> The problem is that the data is being read in "wrong", as a
single column,
> rather than a data frame with four columns. I get:
> data.p1.p2.model
> 1 0.57,2,1,1
> 2 0.54,4,1,1
> 3 0.54,6,1,1
> 4 0.52,8,1,1
> 5 0.54,10,1,1
> 6 0.53,50,1,1
> 7 0.93,2,1,2
> 8 0.61,4,1,2
> 9 0.53,6,1,2
> 10 0.49,8,1,2
> 11 0.43,10,1,2
> 12 0.11,50,1,2
> 13 0.89,2,1,3
> 14 0.72,4,1,3
> 15 0.62,6,1,3
> 16 0.58,8,1,3
> 17 0.49,10,1,3
> 18 0.12,50,1,3
> 19 0.51,2,1,4
> 20 0.43,4,1,4
> 21 0.41,6,1,4
> 22 0.37,8,1,4
> 23 0.37,10,1,4
> 24 0.31,50,1,4
> Which is wrong. But if I use the very same command as above, but from the
> command line (without the data() wrapper), it comes in right:
> >
> data p1 p2 model
> 1 0.57 2 1 1
> 2 0.54 4 1 1
> 3 0.54 6 1 1
> 4 0.52 8 1 1
> 5 0.54 10 1 1
> 6 0.53 50 1 1
> 7 0.93 2 1 2
> 8 0.61 4 1 2
> 9 0.53 6 1 2
> 10 0.49 8 1 2
> 11 0.43 10 1 2
> 12 0.11 50 1 2
> 13 0.89 2 1 3
> 14 0.72 4 1 3
> 15 0.62 6 1 3
> 16 0.58 8 1 3
> 17 0.49 10 1 3
> 18 0.12 50 1 3
> 19 0.51 2 1 4
> 20 0.43 4 1 4
> 21 0.41 6 1 4
> 22 0.37 8 1 4
> 23 0.37 10 1 4
> 24 0.31 50 1 4
> >
> What could be causing this? I just want to get the example working; in
> practice one wouldn't need to use the data() command for this package,
> it seems to be the only reliable way to get stuff out of the data
> directory for running examples. Any ideas?
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595