Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:> Being the lazy soul I am, I wish to write a function to replace saying
> ls(pattern=...) everytime. Here is what I have:
> lsp <- function(x){
> y <- eval(deparse(substitute(x)))
> print(y) # CHECK
> print( ls(pattern = eval(y)) ) # TRY 1
> print( ls(pattern = eval(deparse(substitute(x)))) ) # TRY 2
> }
> Suppose I have
> = rubbish.out = grub <- 1
> I get the following when I try
> [1] "rub"
> character(0)
> character(0)
> Can someone explain/help with this? Thank you very much.
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You have to think about environments and scoping rules.
You define another function and ls() is invoked in that functions, thus
it is called in another environment than you obviously expected.
See ?ls, particularly its argument "name", why the following prints
things you expect from ls().
lsp <- function(x){
y <- deparse(substitute(x))
print(ls(sys.frame(sys.parent()), pattern = y))
Consider to read
Venables and Ripley (2000): S Programming, Springer.
Uwe Ligges