How about the following:
> anArray <- array(1:4, dim=c(2,2))
> dimnames(anArray) <- list(c("a", "b"),
c("c", "d"))
> anArray["a",]
c d
1 3
You can then pass a vector of character strings to the function, and
subset the rows by "anArray[select.charvec,]". Alternatively,
"anArray[select.charvec,, drop=FALSE]" will ensure that the result is
still a 2-dimensional array, not a vector [oops!!].
Does this help?
Spencer Graves
Johannes Schnitzler wrote:> Dear all,
> i want to give the names of columns of a data set (dat) as parameter to a
> function,
> in order to select single rows by the row names.
> I tried several ways.
> Like:
> the data set :
> dat
> A B C D E
> 1 2 3 1 6
> 1 4 5 2 4
> .. .. .. .. ..
> the.col.names<-c("A","C")
> f<-function(par){sapply,function(par)(dat$par*2)}
> f(the.col.names)
> Should give the result
> A C
> 2 6
> 2 10
> .. ..
> Thank you in advance
> Johannes Schnitzler
> schnitzlerj at
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