-----Original Message-----
Jeremy Z Butler wrote:>Hi,
>How would I go about plotting all 8 columns of a data.frame on a simple
line>graph. i.e. eight lines and sets of points, differentiated by line pattern
>An what further arguments would I need to invoke a log scale on the y-axis
of>that same plot (normal x-axis)?
For example (a snippet from something I have been working on the last couple
of days)
ylim=c(min,max),xlab='',ylab='Releases, GBq/year',log=logax)
for (i in c(3:length(Nucs))){
Nucs is my data frame, Year is the X variable. I am setting up the plot and
plotting the first series with the plot command, Earlier in my script I have
calculated the min,max,first and last values, set them manually if you know
them. If the variable logax is set to 'y' (or maybe also 'Y')
then the y
axis is plottet logaritmic.
By the way, you might end up with one of the palette colors being white,
what you probably do not want... if that happens, run a
before doing the plot.
(I am by no means an R-expert, somebody might have a better solution, but
this works fine for me.)
Morten Sickel
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority