To whom it may concern, For a sample (xi,yi) i=1,2,...,n of a bivariate normal vector (X,Y), I have to evaluate ( for some simulation) the cumulative distribution function of (X,Y) at each point (xi,yi) and I have not find in R a package that evaluate this function. Is there a such package in R? If no, how can I do to make my simulation succesful? Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely yours Colin Bernard Colin Bernard Professeur titulaire D?partement de Math?matiques et d'Informatique Facult? des Sciences Universit? de Sherbrooke SHERBROOKE J1K-2R1 (Qu?bec) Canada Tel : (819)821-8000 poste 2012 Fax :(819)821-8200 e-mail : bernard.colin at