Dear all, below there a code to calculate the Brillinger statistic, testing for non-monotonic trend in (time series) data. The function (probably it is not optimized) works, but I could not check for it. That is, I would be sure that it provides correct output. Does anyone know any well-known data-set where I can check the output? Or is there anyone being able to check for it? Many thanks, best, vito brillinger<-function(y,v=length(y)/10,L=length(y)/20,display=FALSE,iid=FALSE ){ #Brillinger test for non-monotonic trend. Brillinger (1989) Biometrika, 76:23-30. # require toeplitz() function in the ts package. #y: the time series. It has to be a vector. #v: parameter modelling the Moving Average-based trend estimate #L: parameter modelling the variance estimate #display: if TRUE the data are plotted with a nonparametric estimate superimposed #iid: are the observations iid? #author: vito muggeo <vito.muggeo at> yy<-y y.lab<-deparse(substitute(y)) n<-length(y) y<-y[(v+1):(n-v)] x<-1:length(y) c.t1<-sqrt((x-1)*(1-(x-1)/n)) c.t2<-sqrt(x*(1-x/n)) c.t<-c.t1-c.t2 Y<-t(toeplitz(yy)) Y[row(Y)<col(Y)]<-NA mu<-rowMeans(Y[,1:(2*v+1)],na.rm=FALSE) if(display) {plot(y,type="l",lty=3,xlab="Time",ylab=y.lab) lines(mu[!]) } e<-y-mu[!] if(iid){z.iid<-sum(c.t*y)/(sd(e)*sqrt(sum(c.t^2))) p<-1-1*pnorm(abs(z.iid)) out<-list("Brillinger Statistic"=z.iid,"p-value (one-sided)"=p) return(out) } csi<-apply(as.matrix(1:L),1,function(J){sum(e*exp(-2i*pi*J*(x-1)/n))}) a<-apply(as.matrix(1:L),1,function(J){sin(2*pi*J*(2*v+1)/(2*n))/((2*v+1)*sin (2*pi*J/(2*n)))}) den<-sum((1-a)^2) S0<-sum(Mod(csi)^2/n)/den z<-sum(c.t*y)/sqrt(S0*sum(c.t^2)) p<-1-1*pnorm(abs(z)) out<-list("Brillinger Statistic"=z,"p-value (one-sided)"=p) return(out) } #Example> n<-200 > y<-ifelse((1:n)>0.5*n,1,0)*2.5+rnorm(n) #non monotonic trend time serie > library(ts) > brillinger(y,display=TRUE,iid=TRUE)$"Brillinger Statistic" [1] 1.824676 $"p-value (one-sided)" [1] 0.03402500