On Mon, 20 May 2002, Markus Jantti wrote:
> Dear list:
> since it took me a little while to figure out how to make use of naresid, I
thought that
> the below R code might be useful as an example on the help page.
It isn't really intended for end users, as the help page effectively says.
It is part of a standard way to write methods for modelling functions, and
people doing so should copy the examples like lm and glm.
It definitely is not intended to be used like this, and any time you find
yourself changing a class do bear in mind that is rarely a good idea.
> Regards,
> Markus
> # generate some data
> x1 <- runif(20)
> y <- 10 + 5*x1 + rnorm(20)
> summary(lm.0 <- lm(y ~ x1))
> # append some NA's to y
> y <- c(y, rep(NA, 5))
> # generate some further x1s
> x1 <- c(x1, runif(5))
> # this fills the residuals vector with NA's to the end
> summary(lm.1 <- lm(y ~ x1, na.action = na.exclude))
> residuals(lm.1) # is equal to
> naresid(na.exclude(lm.1), lm.1$residuals)
> tmp.omit <- lm.1$na.action # modify the na.action to omit
> class(tmp.omit) <- "omit"
> naresid(tmp.omit, lm.1$residuals)
> # same as residuals(lm.0)
> summary(lm.2 <- lm(y ~ x1))
> residuals(lm.2)
> tmp.omit <- lm.2$na.action # modify the na.action to be
> class(tmp.omit) <- "exclude"
> naresid(tmp.omit, lm.2$residuals)
> --
> Markus Jantti
> markus.jantti at uta.fi ** abo.fi/~mjantti
> Dept of Economics ** University of Tampere ** FIN 33014 University of
> PGP public key: abo.fi/~mjantti/pubring.asc
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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