Dear all, I would like to estimate rainfall with the krige function. First, I produce a polygon of my region of interest (where poly_test.txt is a x,y suite of points defining a polygon, obtained with the grass v.out.ascii command) : user>border_limite<-read.table("/home/lionel/rwork/poly_test.txt",header=FALSE) user>polygone<-list(x=border_limite[,1],y=border_limite[,2]) So now I have a list of x,y coordinates to limit my work area. If I call the function krige with extrap=FALSE like this user>grid2.krige<-krige(grid2.point,logtab.point,'lz', logtab.Exp,maxdist=NULL,extrap=FALSE) [ where grid2.point is a point object to store prediction, logtab.point a point object containing points data, 'lz' is the variable name in logtab.point, logtab.Exp is a variogram object ] all works quiet well, but I am limited to a convex hull inside the limite designed by points of measure. If I set extrap=TRUE, all works, but values are estimated all over my area. Now if use the polygon I defined, and specifie it in the function call user>grid2.krige<-krige(grid2.point,logtab.point,'lz', logtab.Exp,maxdist=NULL,extrap=TRUE,border=polygone) all points in the area are estimated. I've tried to put extrap=FALSE with border, but then there is no result, and no points are found. Here is my polygon definition: $x [1] 2272048 2275274 2296044 2293826 2280517 2272048 $y [1] 781270.4 801031.7 795385.6 773003.0 765945.4 781270.4 So my question is, do you see any stupid mistake I can make ? last point (optional!) about krige.G I also tried to use krige.G from the grass package, but for the moment I have a strange error message : (where G is obtained with gmeta() command) user>grid2.krige<-krige.G(logtab.point,"lz",logtab.Exp,G) Error in surf.gls(0, expcov, x = point.obj$x, y = point.obj$y, z = at.val, : Rank failure in Choleski decomposition I've just reported my point and variogram definition in the options. Perhap's is there a small difference between parameters when they are passed to krige function but I don't see wich. Thanks in advance for all kind of help Lionel -- CNERTA-ENESAD 4 rue champs-prevois batiment grand-champs 21000 Dijon tel: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._