Hallo everyone!
Has anyone an idee to get out data of more than one Excel-file via RODBC
with one single sqlQuery-command? The RODBC-manual shows how the sql command
shoot run, but every time I try, I got an error, that the ODBC-connection to
one of the files was not successful. If I make a sqlQuery for only one file
(e. g. in DatAllg.XLS without variables from DatBev.XLS / b. ...), the
ODBC-connection works fine.
Do I need a second channel? If so, how can I use two odbcConnect's in one
Here ist my R-source code:
># Specified Excel files in ODBC as User DSN: DatAllg.XLS -> area name:
ALLG># DatBev.XLS -> area name:
BEV># Sheets: DatAllg.XLS -> ALLG
># DatBev.XLS -> BEV
>channel <- odbcConnect("DatAllg")
>tt1 <- sqlQuery(channel, "select b.REGCODE, a.NAME, b.JAHR, b.BEV_G
ALLG as a, `C:/Arbeit/Database/Daten.DatBev`.BEV as b where ((a.REGCODE
b.REGCODE) and (b.REGCODE>=5500000 and b.REGCODE<5700000)) order by
b.REGCODE, b.JAHR")>odbcClose(channel)
If my code is too complicated please show me another example with two Excel
Thank you for your help!
With best regards
Dr. Michael Wolf
Bezirksregierung M?nster
Dezernat 61
Domplatz 1-3 48143 M?nster
Tel.: +49 (0251) 411-1795
Fax: +49 (0251) 411-1751
Mail: michael.wolf at bezreg-muenster.nrw.de
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