hello, i would like program userfriendly tcl/tk widgets like the t-test example in a more complex way ! (1) Is it not possible to combine tk_getOpenFile with the R function read.table to select in userfriendly way data sets ? (I'm newbie and take code-parts from t-test example and scripting example.) (2) Is it possible to use a variableSelection widget to select a special variable which i can use to replace in R commands like: rpart( selectedVar ~.,data) ? (3) What occur the difference run tcl/tk code in R-Winedt , i get the results only when i use paste ! $ source("D:/Statsoft/rw1041/code/TCL-TK.R") ****************************************************** The source for this demo can be found in the file: D:/Statsoft/rw1041/library/tcltk/demo/tkttest.R ****************************************************** ### Command executed via Tk ### t.test(Ozone[Month == 5], Ozone[Month == 8], alternative = "two.sided", var.equal = FALSE) ### ----- ...what is happen here ? Thanks for advance and suggestions regards Christian Schulz tktree <- function() { wfile <- "" tt <- tktoplevel() tktitle(tt) <- "Tcl/TK Decision Tree Window " yvar <- "EKV" y.entry <- tkentry(tt,textvariable=yvar) submit.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="submit",command=function()tclvalue(done)<-1) done <- tclVar(0) tkpack(y.entry) topMenu <- tkmenu(tt) tkconfigure(tt,menu=topMenu) fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE) load <- function() { file <- tkcmd("tk_getOpenFile") if (!length(file)) return() chn <- tkcmd("open", file, "r") #tkinsert(txt,"0.0",tkcmd("read",chn)) chn <- read.table(file,na.strings="?",headers=TRUE) tkcmd("close",chn) wfile <<- file } exit <- function() { tkdestroy(tt)} build <- function() { y <- parse(text=tclvalue(yvar))[[1]] substitute(rpart(yvar ~.,data=file)) } tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Load",command=load) #tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Save",command=save) tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Exit",command=exit) tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="File",menu=fileMenu) #tkadd(topMenu,"command",label="Run",command=run) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Recursive Partioning"),columnspan=1) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="y variable"), y.entry) tkgrid(submit.but) ## capture destroy (e.g. from window controls ## otherwise the tkwait hangs with nowhere to go tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function()tclvalue(done)<-2) tkwait.variable(done) if(tclvalue(done)=="2") stop("aborted") tkdestroy(tt) cmd <- build() cat("### Command executed via Tk ###\n") cat(deparse(build()),sep="\n") cat("### -----\n") eval.parent(cmd) } -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20020211/3a0869dc/attachment.html