Wolfgang Lindner wrote:>
> Hi,
> I have tried to install 'tensor' as a new package in these phases:
> 1.
> via 'Install package from local Zip-File' in Rgui/Windows98:
> install.packages("D:/R/_Pakets12MB/tensor.zip", .lib.loc[1], CRAN
> 2.
> Looking at the library folder, there was now a new entry 'tensor'
> including some files e.g.
> \library\tensor\R\tensor.R
Hmmm. Looks like you installed the source code of the package, not the
The file in ...\tensor\R should be called "tensor" (without the
> 3.
> Then I have done Rgui:(P)ackages(L)oad Package:
> Result - No entry of 'tensor' in the package-List ??
> Here is the next communication with Rgui:
> library(tensor)
> Warning message:
> Package `tensor' contains no R code in: library(tensor)
> search()
> [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:tensor"
"package:ctest" "Autoloads"
> [5] "package:base"
> Please, can you tell me what has gone wrong?
Are you sure the file you got was called tensor.zip? If so, it was not
correctly created, I suppose. The recent versoin on CRAN is 1.1-2.
You didn't told us yours.
I think the recent version on CRAN is not corrupted and works for me.
Try reinstall the windows binaries of the package:
Uwe Ligges
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