On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Rolf Turner wrote:
> Is there a way to exit gracefully from dynamically loaded Fortran,
> (several layers down), if an error condition is detected?
> I.e. suppose I'm within a subroutine called by a subroutine, ...,
> called by .Fortran(); I want to give up gracefully if an error
> condition is detected.
> If I say something like
> if(x .gt. 42.d0) stop
> then indeed everything stops, i.e. R falls over. I'd ***like*** to
> be able to print out an informative error message (which I guess
> could be done --- a wee bit kludgily --- by calling, say, intpr())
> and then exit gracefully, with R continuing to run.
> Is this possible, or is it just too much too expect?
You can borrow the idea of the following piece of code in src/main/print.c
/* Fortran-callable error routine for lapack */
void F77_NAME(xerbla)(char *srname, int *info)
error("On entry to %6s parameter number %d had an illegal value",
srname, *info);
which although I am not sure should always work (passing Fortran strings
being the problem), no one has complained.
A safer route is to add fexitc.c and fexitf.f to your compile, these being
something like
subroutine fexit(msg)
int nc
character*(*) msg
nc = len(msg)
call fexitc(msg, nc)
#include <R.h>
void F77_NAME(fexitc)(char *msg, int *nchar)
int nc = *nchar;
char buf[256];
if(nc > 255) {
warning("invalid character length in fexitc");
nc = 255;
strncpy(buf, msg, nc);
buf[nc] = '\0';
Then use
call fexit('My error message')
I'll add something like that for R 1.4.0.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272860 (secr)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
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