Dear Bill,
I think that this is essentially a problem of discriminant analysis or
logistic regression and not of clustering. That is, you have two groups
defined by success and failure, and you want to find out how your measures
are able to distiguish between them.
R should be able to carry out such analyses. I don't have the time now
to figure out exactly how. Background and further references are given e.g. in
G.J. McLachlan, Discriminant analysis and statistical pattern recognition,
Wiley, 1992.
On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Bill Vedder wrote:
> Greetings RListers,
> I have a data set containing two types of outcomes; success and failure.
> Associated with each outcome are 12 different measurements. I'm
> to find out, for example, if some of the 12 measures are associated more
> with success or failure or, if there's any relationship at all between
> the measures and the outcomes (success or failure).
> I don't have (as yet) any experience using clustering techniqes (in R
> elsewhere) but thought that they might be applied in this situation.
> In general, are clustering techniques useful in this situation? Is any
> techniques better than another?
> And more specifically, can I use R to determine clustering characterics
> of the 12 measures and then, for each cluster, have R output whether the
> cluster is more associated with success or failure?
> Any help appreciated,
> Bill Vedder
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Christian Hennig
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics - SPST/ZMS
(Schwerpunkt Mathematische Statistik und Stochastische Prozesse,
Zentrum fuer Modellierung und Simulation)
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