On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Patrick Connolly wrote:
> |> The data are stored in a MySQL table, and I can read them
> |> into R with RMySQL obtaining a MySQLResultSet object (which I
> |> suppose is a data frame ?) which looks like this:
> No, it doesn't have any column names. It would be a good idea to get
> it into one since dataframes are very good ways of manipulating this
> kind of data.
I've found out it does actually:
> str(prova)
`data.frame': 66 obs. of 5 variables:
$ weekday: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 0 0 ...
$ start : num 21 21 21 21 8 21 20 21 21 ...
$ end : num 32 32 32 32 32 20 32 32 32 ...
$ type : chr "reper" "reper" reper" "reper"
$ user : chr "stf" "cal" "bas" "pup"
> |> prova[2] actually represents the weekday from Monday to Sunday
> I think you mean prova[,2] which is the second column (i.e. once
> you've got it into a datframe form).
Yes of course.
> That's tricky. It might be a good idea to get some experience with
> simpler tasks first. Check out aggregate.data.frame which should get
> most of it sorted for you. Then you'll need to get the hang of
> pasting various vectors together.
Thanks for the hint.
> The trickiest part is the last one you mention. It's pointless to
> discuss it until you get the rest of it work. I have a rather long
> function that you could use once you get things organised, but it's
> far too long to go into how that works here.
> |> vertical rows corresponding to the weekday prova[2] (again with
> By that, I take it you mean "columns"
Yes !
I'll let you know how I fare ... although work will be suspended as from
tomorrow for a week's holidays.
Michele Alzetta
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