Try as.matrix(df)
where df may be subsetted.
> From: "Chris Evans" <chris1 at>
> To: s-news at
> Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 19:25:32 -0000
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> Subject: [S] extracting a matrix from a data frame
> I'm a researcher who often has to do my own statistics for various
> reasons so apologies if this and two other questions are pretty low
> level.
> I've just found the apply function and the array objects brilliant for
> speedy work on some 3 mode rating data. The data had to be
> imported from an SPSS data set so my first silly question is how I
> should extract a matrix from a data frame. I wanted some
> contiguous columns in the frame to become a matrix. I ended up
> using c to concatenate the variables, listed laboriously, after
> attaching the frame. I must be missing something in the
> subscripting of data frames musn't I? Would someone tell me or
> point me to right place?
> TIA,
> Chris
> Chris Evans <chris at>
> Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy,
> Rampton Hospital; Associate R&D Director,
> Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust;
> Hon. SL Institute of Psychiatry
> *** My views are my own and not representative
> of those institutions ***
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