I'm not running R under hpux, but I have the same problem generally with
the hpux terminal emulator ("hpterm"). For example I installed a GNU
on our hpux (with the readline library statically linked) and the arrow
keys don't provide history functions but just move the cursor.
That can be avoided when using xterm which is shipped also with hpux. So
probably you should just try to run R from within xterm (or directly use
I have to say our hpux is sveral years old; I think the version is around
Good luck!
Uli Flenker
Institute of Biochemistry
German Sports University Cologne
Carl-Diem-Weg 6
50933 Cologne / Germany
Phone 0049/0221/4982-493
On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Strumila, John wrote:
> g'day R friends,
> I was hoping someone could provide me with advice as to my dysfunctional
> 'arrow' keys.
> Instead of browsing thru my command history they just move my cursor. What
> have I done wrong? My TERM seems ok for other unix apps.
> I'm running under hpux 10.20 with R1.0.0
> thanks,
> John Strumila
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