>I use WinNT. You have to "launch" R from a DOS-shell window; you
>change to the directory where you have RGui.exe, then type :
> Rgui --vsize 15M --nsize 1000k
>and R opens with increased memore size. It works here with my NT box, and
>will probably do with Win95 (though I think that the DOS-shells are not
>strictly similar in both OSs but this may not be a problem).
You don't have to launch R from the DOS-window.
Simply click on the icon.
You should create a shortcut icon for Rgui (click the
right mouse button, say from Explorer), move it to
somewhere sensible. Then,
click the right mouse button on the shortcut icon,
and go to Properties, then Shortcut section, that's
where the command line is (look for Target), where
you can add the vsize and nsize option.
Yudi Pawitan: yudi at stat.ucc.ie
Department of Statistics, UCC
Cork, Ireland
Ph : 353-21-902 906
Fax: 353-21-271 040
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