(Sorry, I had the previous emails on a different machine.) Thanks to Prof Ripley for diagnosing the problem with inconsistent capitals under Win98. It's 'interesting': * I had ...\acepack\Src\Ace.f Avas.f and Rlsmo.f (tar'ed in a Unix machine and Ws_FTP'ed to the PC) * when the directory name was changed to ...\acepack\src it still didn't work * it worked to a point (see below) when the program names are all put into lower case: ace.f avas.f rlsmo.f Now it complains about dllcrt1.o (which lives in \gcc-2.95.2\i386-mingw32\lib), which I cannot see how it can access. What obvious step am I missing? -Yudi- /R/TOOLS/MAKE.EXE DLLNM= EXTRADOCS= \ -C /R/rw1000/src/library/acepack PKG=acepack RHOME=/R/rw1000 RLIB=/R/rw1000/li brary \ -f /R/rw1000/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg ---------- Making package acepack ------------ mkdir -p /R/rw1000/library/acepack cp -r ./DESCRIPTION ./INDEX ./TITLE ./ACE.DOC ./README ./README.ACE ./README .avas ./README~1.AVA ./WS_FTP.LOG /R/rw1000/library/acepack/ /R/TOOLS/MAKE.EXE -C ./src RHOME=/R/rw1000 \ -f /R/rw1000/src/gnuwin32/MakeDll DLLNAME=acepack g77 -O2 -Wall -c ace.f -o ace.o ace.f: In subroutine `mace': ace.f:89: warning: common /prams/ itape,maxit,nterm,span,alpha,big ^ Initial padding for common block `prams' is 4 bytes at (^) -- consider reorderin g members, largest-type-size first ace.f:206: warning: 310 call scale (p,n,w,sw,ty(1,is),tx(1,1,is),delrsq,p,z(1,5),z(1,6)) ^ Reference to unimplemented intrinsic `SCALE' at (^) (assumed EXTERNAL) ace.f: In subroutine `scale': ace.f:540: warning: `h' might be used uninitialized in this function g77 -O2 -Wall -c avas.f -o avas.o g77 -O2 -Wall -c rlsmo.f -o rlsmo.o rlsmo.f: In subroutine `smth': rlsmo.f:147: warning: `is2' might be used uninitialized in this function rm -f -f acepack.a ar cr acepack.a *.o ranlib acepack.a ------- Building acepack.dll from acepack.a -------- echo LIBRARY acepack > acepack.def echo EXPORTS >> acepack.def nm acepack.a > Defs sed -n "/^........ [BCDRT] _/s/^........ [BCDRT] _/ /p" Defs >> acepack.def gcc -mno-cygwin -mdll -Wl,--base-file,acepack.b -s -o acepack.dll acepack.a - L/R/rw1000/src/gnuwin32 -L/cygwin-b20/lib -lg2c -lR /R/TOOLS/ld: cannot open dllcrt1.o: No such file or directory collect2: ld returned 1 exit status MAKE.EXE[2]: *** [acepack.dll] Error 1 MAKE.EXE[1]: *** [src/acepack.dll] Error 2 MAKE.EXE: *** [pkg-acepack] Error 2 C:\R\rw1000\src\gnuwin32>path PATH=C:\R\TOOLS;C:\H-I586~1\BIN;C:\GCC-29~1.2\BIN;C:\PERL\BIN;C:\WINDOWS;C:\ WIND OWS\COMMAND;C:\DMI95\WIN32\BIN Yudi Pawitan yudi at stat.ucc.ie Department of Statistics UCC Cork, Ireland Ph 353-21-490 2906 Fax 353-21-427 1040 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at stat.math.ethz.ch _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._