Hi, I'm a starter of R, and met some problems in using it. Now I use the Solaris version 0.61.3 (There's a newer official release version 0.62.1 in the R site, but its installation requires fortran program which is absent on my machine now). Would appreciate very much if you could help me solve them. 1) We can run an R script from the Unix command line, for example, $ R < test.r But all the running procedure will be displayed on the screen step by step. I don't like it, since sometimes I only care for the result. If we run the R script in a loop statement of Unix Shell program, then it will display too much things. Can we avoid displaying these information? Previously I had used Splus, and it didn't do like this. 2) It seems that something is wrong with the Graphics window. Once another window overlap on the Graphics window, the objects in the overlapped part of the Graphics window will disappear forever, even after the overlapping window is moved away. It make the viewing very inconvenient. 3) Otherwise, we can write the graphics into a PostScript file. But it doesn't work either. After running: > postscript("test.ps") I do the same plot operation as before, but after the operation the content of test.ps is empty. Why? Thanks a lot for your help. Wentao ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at hotmail.com -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at stat.math.ethz.ch _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._