> From r-help-owner at stat.math.ethz.ch Thu Nov 27 17:29 NZD 1997
> From: "Francisco Cribari" <cribari at siu.edu>
> To: r-help <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 22:23:57 +0000
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> Subject: R-beta: [?] two questions on R for Windows
> Two question on R for Windows (september release):
> 1. Is there a problem w/ the function abline? It does not seem to work for
> me.
> 2. How do I time the execution time of a fcn? Is there/Will there be a
> dos.time() function?
> Thanks. Best, Francisco.
I'm afraid I need a bit more info than this to be able to help. What
version of Windows are you using? Can you provide the exact details of
an example where abline fails? (nb. when posting bugs it's important to
be as specific as possible about the situation).
There will be a function that is similar to Unix time but it will be limited
to the timing functions available in Ansi C. This should be in my hoped for
release of RDec (we've just been going over the completed changes to the
parser and the graphics, my new machine is here and setup so things look
hopeful for a Dec. release of the equivalent of 0.60; of course its summer and
the surfs up so I can't really promise)
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