On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 19:03, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel
<r-devel at r-project.org> wrote:>
> I had added a vignette to the coxme package and all worked well locally,
but it failed at
> CRAN. The issue is that the vignette involves using coxme for pedigree
data, it
> doesn't work without the kinship2 package, and I hadn't put in the
necessary "if
> (require(...." logic.
> The question is, how do I make the entire vignette conditional? If the
package isn't
> available, there is nothing to run. The latex itself will fail when it
can't find the
> figures (I float them), and the parts that don't will end up as inane
discussion of
> material that isn't there.
This is what I do in my packages:
If SweaveOpts accept code in the same way, you can set something like
\SweaveOpts{eval=requireNamespace("kinship2", quietly=TRUE)}