R devel - May 2012

Thursday May 31 2012
6:04AM 1 possible bug in "R Editor"
Wednesday May 30 2012
6:15PM 1 fractional seconds in POSIXct
Tuesday May 29 2012
9:37PM 0 virtual superclasses
8:57AM 1 Slow do.call when having an error
Friday May 25 2012
7:33PM 1 equivalent to source() inside a package
4:25AM 1 columnames changes behaviour of formula
Thursday May 24 2012
4:25PM 1 modifying some package code
9:38AM 1 New S3 methods for optional package
Wednesday May 23 2012
10:49AM 1 prcomp with previously scaled data: predict with 'newdata' wrong
8:37AM 2 Expected behaviour of is.unsorted?
5:47AM 0 giving a datasets list
Tuesday May 22 2012
8:31PM 1 Capturing signals from within external libs
5:34PM 2 Best way to locate R executable from within R?
4:26PM 0 Codoc mismatch for roxygen-documented foo<- functions
4:22PM 2 how to remove the 'promise' attribute of an R object (.Random.seed)?
10:14AM 1 Patch to add Beta binomial distribution. Mentor needed!
Saturday May 19 2012
5:22AM 2 bug in R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)?
Friday May 18 2012
3:11PM 2 Distributing Executables.
6:55AM 1 Cannot Install Custom Package On Windows7 64-bit
Thursday May 17 2012
2:10PM 2 test suites for packages
12:52PM 2 r-devel fails tests for parallel
12:27PM 0 Evaluation without the parent frame
Wednesday May 16 2012
8:59PM 1 Evaluation without using the parent frame
4:27PM 0 Ghost RefClasses
Tuesday May 15 2012
5:05PM 1 R-devel on FreeBSD: new C99 functions don't build
2:16PM 0 How to set up an object to share data across diverse functions
1:55PM 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP)
2:31AM 1 StructTS Examples
Monday May 14 2012
6:37PM 2 Package does not have a NAMESPACE and should be re-installed
5:28PM 1 Vignette problem
5:00PM 0 update.formula simplify = FALSE
Sunday May 13 2012
9:11AM 1 Problem compiling package LogicReg - make Error 255
7:15AM 1 R package dependency issues when namespace is not attached
Friday May 11 2012
11:36PM 0 [patch] Behavior of .C() and .Fortran() when given double(0) or integer(0) (repost).
9:36PM 1 Replacements for stdout and stderr guaranteed to be open in all versions of R
9:20PM 1 Passing externalptr to .C()
Thursday May 10 2012
6:07PM 1 Problems with 64bit dll compile in R-2.15.0
1:59PM 2 setting global options for a package
9:07AM 0 Can two RConnection's interact with one another ?
Wednesday May 9 2012
11:25PM 1 Compiling R on Windows XP - Rgui crashes yet Rterm works
6:54PM 2 R Installation Manual - ATLAS BLAS guidance that is not in the current version
Tuesday May 8 2012
10:35PM 1 R CMD check linking errors, when interfacing c++
5:46AM 1 file 2 is not in sorted order error building unsuffered consequences
Sunday May 6 2012
2:39AM 2 unlist crashes 32-bit R on WinXP when use.names=TRUE
Saturday May 5 2012
1:50AM 2 looking for adice on bigmemory framework with C++ and java interoperability
12:48AM 1 f951.exe: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled
Friday May 4 2012
5:42PM 4 [patch] Behavior of .C() and .Fortran() when given double(0) or integer(0).
4:09PM 1 add sessionInfo() option to "save"
Thursday May 3 2012
10:07PM 1 Setting up a windows system for rcpp
6:07PM 1 loading multiple CSV files into a single data frame
3:51PM 1 Proposal: model.data
12:55PM 1 How to create data frame column name in a function
Wednesday May 2 2012
3:51PM 0 Problem using RBloomberg blpConnect
1:24PM 1 Decompressing raw vectors in memory
10:06AM 1 --as-cran error