R devel - Apr 2012

Monday April 30 2012
11:28PM 2 fast version of split.data.frame or conversion from data.frame to list of its rows
5:14PM 0 file.copy(src, src, recursive=TRUE) causes a segfault (Was: Re: R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes)
3:48PM 0 R CMD check . segfault on re-building vignettes
11:37AM 2 The constant part of the log-likelihood in StructTS
Sunday April 29 2012
2:08PM 2 creating a package in R
7:30AM 1 A doubt about substitute() after delayedAssign()
Saturday April 28 2012
1:47AM 1 Unable to install rggobi in R 2.15
12:02AM 0 globalVariables()
Friday April 27 2012
1:54PM 1 Creating a package which contains stand-alone C code
Thursday April 26 2012
4:36PM 0 Some graphical parameters don't works in plot.table and plot.TukeyHSD.
6:00AM 2 How does .Fortran "dqrls" work?
Wednesday April 25 2012
9:18PM 4 delayedAssign changing values
6:55PM 0 checkPoFiles function added to R-devel
12:34PM 1 Strange behavior of model.frame() when given subset
8:58AM 1 Strange bug in my package
Tuesday April 24 2012
5:23PM 2 Write unix format files on windows and vice versa
4:41PM 0 Creating model frame from R formula inside compiled code
4:31PM 1 Using other peoples packages from within C-based R-extension
3:33PM 1 Specifying a function as not being and S3 Class function
1:36PM 1 nobs.glm
1:00PM 0 Where to store and how to load support data ?
Sunday April 22 2012
12:49AM 1 Sending lists using .C
Saturday April 21 2012
5:03PM 1 Problem with args
2:28PM 1 csv version of data in an R object
1:18PM 1 R CMD check -- non S3 method warning
Friday April 20 2012
9:00PM 1 R CMD check: Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD") cannot contain full pathname (contrary to docs)
Thursday April 19 2012
10:34PM 1 combining large list of data.frames
6:12PM 4 Column(row)wise minimum and maximum
Wednesday April 18 2012
5:40PM 1 C - R integration: Memory Issues
1:02PM 0 Method=df for coxph in survival package
Tuesday April 17 2012
9:24PM 1 R-2.15 compile error: fatal error: internal consistency failure
9:20PM 0 Setting up the NAMESPACE file "automatically" during R CMD build?
10:13AM 0 Minor bug: plot.table and Axis.table (partially) ignore graphical parameters (patch included)
8:01AM 1 url, readLines, source behind a proxy
6:19AM 1 R --debug crashes R on Windows
Monday April 16 2012
9:53PM 1 eval a SYMSXP from C
5:52PM 3 I wish xlim=c(0, NA) would work. How about I send you a patch?
Sunday April 15 2012
4:55PM 1 no carriage returns in BATCH output from 2.15.0
12:45AM 1 R CMD check with non-standard .libPaths
Friday April 13 2012
8:30PM 0 Creating a reference manual during R CMD build
1:56AM 0 Reference Class import() behaviour
Thursday April 12 2012
6:41PM 1 R-2.15.0 and Exporting Methods Converted To S4 Generic
6:20PM 0 LazyData and CSV files in data/
Wednesday April 11 2012
10:53PM 2 unexpectedly high memory use in R 2.14.0
8:41PM 2 Vignette questions
7:36PM 1 Byte compilation of packages on CRAN
3:28PM 3 [patch] giving library() a 'version' argument
Tuesday April 10 2012
4:13PM 0 Higher Resolution Icons for Windows / Mac
Sunday April 8 2012
8:38PM 0 Proposal: Mechanism for controlling the amount of testing 'R CMD check' performs
6:37PM 1 Add DUP = FALSE when tabulate() calls .C("R_tabulate"
Saturday April 7 2012
9:27PM 4 Display instruction text on package load
Friday April 6 2012
6:46PM 2 R CMD check returns NOTE about package data set as global variable
11:05AM 1 Compatibility problem with R-2.9.0 and R-2.14.0
Thursday April 5 2012
10:35PM 1 issue with base:::namespaceImportMethods
8:17PM 0 Unlikely use case of debug() that cause R to crash
11:03AM 2 "NA" vs. NA
Monday April 2 2012
10:06PM 2 R datasets ownership(copyright) and license