Hello, Is it possible to scroll a canvas that has a column of listboxes in it? Does scrolling only work with listboxes and text widgets? The following code displays the scrollbar, but - it has no thumb - does not respond to mouse clicks. - the vertical height of the tkcanvas (i.e. column1) is unconstrained. It's lower edge is out of view, and the lower button on the scrollbar is out of view. I expected the scrollbar and canvas to have a height of 200 pixels and to be able to use the scrollbar to bring different listboxes into view. I created this from examples on the forum, but other than that, I cannot find any documentation or online help in this area. tt <- tktoplevel() # Create a new toplevel window tkwm.geometry(tt, "700x600") tkwm.geometry(tt,"+5+5") ... yscr <- tkscrollbar(tt,orient="vertical", command=function(...) tkyview(column1,...) ) column1 = tkcanvas(tt, height=200, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr, ...)) divBandListbox1 = tklistbox(column1, width=65, height=15, selectmode="single") divBandListbox2 = tklistbox(column1, width=65,height=15, selectmode="single") divBandListbox3 = tklistbox(column1, width=65,height=15, selectmode="single") tkgrid(column1,yscr,sticky="ew") tkgrid.configure(yscr, sticky="ns") -- also tried these steps for configuring the canvas -- #column1 = tkcanvas(tt, height=200, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr, ...)) column1 = tkcanvas(tt, height=200) tkconfigure(column1, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr, ...)) Thanks very much. I appreciate any insight into this, or if R/tcltk is not supposed to be used this way. My system is msWindow 7, R2.10.0, tcltk 8.5. Anne George [[alternative HTML version deleted]]