R devel - Nov 2009

Monday November 30 2009
3:50PM 1 Bug in R evaluating a huge instruction (PR#14096)
2:40PM 1 :Re: PROTECT and OCaml GC.
2:02PM 0 include body in the call to httpd
3:00AM 1 cor.test(method = spearman, exact = TRUE) not exact (PR#14095)
12:38AM 0 tzone attribute gets stripped on POSIXct variable
Sunday November 29 2009
6:39PM 1 tiny typos in R-exts
3:58PM 1 Tabs in R source code
Saturday November 28 2009
11:50PM 1 PROTECT and OCaml GC.
9:52PM 1 Display list redraw incomplete
9:54AM 1 Sending signals to current R process from R running under MS Windows (c.f. Esc)
9:50AM 2 [Fwd: opened symbols in libR.so available.]
Friday November 27 2009
2:15PM 0 Long execution time for quantile() and difftime objects (PR#14092)
5:55AM 1 Long execution time for quantile() and difftime objects (PR#14091)
Thursday November 26 2009
6:16PM 1 compiling on snow leopard: Cocoa errors?!?!?!
12:09PM 1 "bug report" field in DESCRIPTION file?
8:15AM 0 Detaching one package can remove the S4 methods of another (PR#14087)
1:27AM 0 Symbols, install, and eval.
Wednesday November 25 2009
8:00PM 1 Question about image() behavior
4:15PM 0 heatmap.2 gives wrong colorkey with unequally spaced breaks (PR#14085)
2:30PM 0 Possible bug in "unsplit" (PR#14084)
6:03AM 1 Question R's parser : - parsing "x=\n 1"
4:55AM 1 Error in parse(outFile)
12:34AM 1 group generics
Tuesday November 24 2009
10:45PM 1 Broken installer (PR#14083)
9:40PM 1 The "lib" argument in install.packages().
4:53PM 3 p-generalized normal distribution
12:47PM 0 GC control and GET_NEW_NODE.
Monday November 23 2009
9:00PM 3 Calling default method for primitive functions
10:04AM 1 OOP with Encapsulated Class Definitions
12:18AM 6 CRAN Server download statistics (Was: R Usage Statistics)
Sunday November 22 2009
6:55PM 1 Dead link in Nile help documentation (PR#14079)
6:05PM 0 file_path_as_absolute duplicates "/" (PR#14078)
12:34PM 1 error message when running news()
Saturday November 21 2009
9:12PM 1 R strings, null-terminated or size delimited?
Friday November 20 2009
7:43PM 1 Including local dynamic libraries
6:53PM 1 Suggestion for the reproducibility of R home page figure
2:18PM 1 make fails on R r50499 ( openSuSE 11.0 x86-64)
9:24AM 0 Suggestion: Clarification in Rd for utils::getAnywhere()
8:35AM 0 ISOdate and strptime results are not interoperable (PR#14076)
8:01AM 0 How do I bundle R with my Win32 Application?
6:59AM 0 structure of SYMSXP values.
4:25AM 0 rounding the time: significant 0 does not appear (PR#14075)
2:45AM 1 rounding the time: significant 0 does not appear (PR#14074)
Thursday November 19 2009
10:30PM 6 Surprising length() of POSIXlt vector (PR#14073)
6:47PM 3 R Usage Statistics
12:22PM 0 strange crashes caused by 'cairoDevice' and 'tcltk' dialogues
10:45AM 0 In the documentation of 'Ops.Date', please remove mention about "difftime", like in the documentation of 'DateTimeClasses' (PR#14072)
7:40AM 3 Issue when calling deparse(substitute(x)) from C with "anonymous" R vectors ?
4:50AM 0 Wishlist: In documentation, say that `+.Date`(Date, difftime) should be called directly or remove 'or an object of class "difftime"' (PR#14072)
Wednesday November 18 2009
6:10PM 1 bug in '...' of constrOptim (PR#14071)
5:16PM 1 Method dispatch for function
12:21PM 0 Help with R on windows
9:58AM 1 Link to pdf documentation from other package ?
1:45AM 1 R_NilValue and segfault.
Tuesday November 17 2009
3:26PM 1 Codoc mismatches
10:33AM 2 make.packages.html
4:05AM 0 pt not monotonic with large noncentrality (PR#14069)
Monday November 16 2009
4:00PM 2 n=1 default for random number generators
1:10PM 3 R crash with intToUtf8 on huge vectors (PR#14068)
4:30AM 0 (Date + difftime) and (POSIXt + difftime) does not use date/time arithmetics (PR#14067)
2:45AM 2 How to generate dependency file that can be used by gnu make?
12:47AM 0 OCaml-R and xts works!
Sunday November 15 2009
6:41PM 2 Segmentation faults on SEXP conversion
6:28PM 1 Problem building package for R 2.10.0 on Mac OS X
4:05PM 1 model.frame error with formula=~1 and na.action=na.fail (PR#14066)
2:35PM 3 file.rename overwrites existing target (PR#14065)
Saturday November 14 2009
3:45PM 1 R_tryEval for OCaml-R.
12:02PM 0 Wish: more explicit error message with missing argument in c
Friday November 13 2009
10:30PM 2 AR(2) modelling
7:03PM 1 The default behaviour of a missing entry in an environment
3:55PM 1 Bug in R (PR#14064)
2:50PM 1 plot arguments (PR#14063)
2:43PM 2 error checks
10:40AM 2 format (PR#14062)
9:16AM 0 About read.table function when using StatConn Problem
8:37AM 3 Suggestion: Add links to NEWS and CHANGES on help.start() page
6:57AM 0 Problem building R 2.10 release
Thursday November 12 2009
5:25PM 2 Problems building package at CRAN
9:50AM 1 S4 objects in the data directory
5:20AM 1 unname() returns a named vector when the input vector has length 0
12:54AM 2 html help in Windows
Wednesday November 11 2009
10:38PM 0 Fwd: fameInit TSfame fame.dll
9:41PM 1 Building package under windows which links against a cygwin library
4:15PM 0 Bug in the stats package (PR#14059)
4:06PM 1 Help in 2.10 lost its "Find" feature
3:26PM 1 Clarification on generic functions and methods
12:50PM 1 R 2.10.0 Mac OS X 10.6 (PR#14058)
12:15PM 1 Unexpected behaviour of seq(from,to,by) (PR#14057)
10:34AM 1 Help with fPortfolio
3:52AM 2 typo in docs for unlink()
Tuesday November 10 2009
8:30PM 1 polygon kills X-server (PR#14055)
7:37PM 1 compiling R-2.10.0 on solaris - lib_I_dbg_gen.so.1: version `DBG_GEN_5.1' not found
6:35PM 1 Typo in 2.10.0 NEWS file (PR#14054)
4:31PM 3 NetCDF output in R
4:12PM 1 Makevars or Makevars.in
3:27PM 1 Installing and compiling C code for R-windows
5:05AM 1 Windows installer, HTML help, R 2.10.0
2:30AM 0 Regression: PR#9602 - bquote(function(x,y) T)
Monday November 9 2009
11:40PM 1 textConnection performance quadratic (PR#14053)
9:38PM 2 Negative integer subscripts in [[?
3:35PM 1 Alphanumeric tools::file_path_sans_ext() (PR#14050)
12:39PM 1 \\signature macro generated by promptMethods
10:29AM 3 Bug in all.equal() or in the plm package
1:36AM 1 RcppTemplate
Sunday November 8 2009
8:26PM 1 Summary methods
12:23PM 1 RSiteSearch and my R site
Saturday November 7 2009
3:05PM 0 Binning of integers with hist() function odd results (P (PR#14048)
2:00PM 0 Binning of integers with hist() function odd results (P (PR#14047)
10:24AM 1 getConnection, R_outpstream_st
Friday November 6 2009
11:30PM 2 Binning of integers with hist() function odd results (PR#14046)
2:49PM 1 Small patch to packages.R
12:38AM 0 bug in heatmap?
Thursday November 5 2009
7:05PM 1 Typo in R Help INSTALL {utils} (PR#14045)
5:58PM 1 combine UserDefinedDatabase and regular environments
5:15PM 2 Problem with pdf graphics device
3:41PM 2 Active bindings in attached environments
2:00PM 1 Error when adding package RMySQL (PR#14044)
11:17AM 2 MailingList: in DESCRIPTION
3:55AM 1 A fix that for 'bquote' that may work (PR#14031)
Wednesday November 4 2009
8:50PM 0 Possible bug in RTERM (PR#14043)
7:44PM 3 inconsistent behavior for logical vectors when using apply (" TRUE")
4:32PM 1 s4 generic issue
4:05PM 2 error in install.packages() (PR#14042)
3:32PM 1 cascade option for dev.new?
7:50AM 3 Cannot Change Function (PR#14041)
Tuesday November 3 2009
10:28PM 1 memory misuse in subscript code when rep() is called in odd way
8:42PM 1 Registered S3 methods not found: Documentation bug or anomaly in function update or ... ?
8:05PM 1 Standard non-standard evaluation problem with 2.10-0
6:57PM 0 Wishlist: Downgrade missing Rd links to NOTEs for non-installed Suggested packages
2:54PM 1 Removing cran mirrors
11:27AM 1 likely bug in 'serialize' or please explain the memory usage
9:48AM 1 Strange code in `?`
2:00AM 0 library gplots : heatmap.2 reordering broken (PR#14037)
Monday November 2 2009
4:50PM 2 R292 and tcl/tk
3:37PM 0 reg-tests-1 failing in Ubuntu 9.10
1:15PM 1 two small wishes (with code sugegstions) for R-core
8:38AM 0 Help with issues for update when defining S3 methods for lm
Sunday November 1 2009
12:25PM 0 Internal error in 'ls' for pathological environments (PR#14036)
4:00AM 2 Internal error in 'ls' for pathological environments (PR#14035)