Hello. I've been roaming through the R source code and its documentation. When it comes to memory management, I'm a bit surprised to see that there are no C entry points to something such a GET_NEW_NODE in memory.c. I mean, I'll need to make R GC and OCaml GC live together, so there will be issues which will require access to some sort of control over the GC. What is available in this respect? Only R_alloc? I'm going through all this pain because looking at promiseArgs, it does not have C entry points. OK. So I copy-paste it with minor tweaks into my own code. It require mkPROMISE. No C entry points. Which requires GET_FREE_NODE from memory.c. Which does not have C entry points in libR.so. This is a pain. I'd rather not have to reimplement the interpreter in OCaml. I simply want to bind to hidden symbols. Suggestions? -- Guillaume Yziquel http://yziquel.homelinux.org/