andy at
2009-Nov-04 20:50 UTC
[Rd] Possible bug in RTERM (PR#14043)
Full_Name: Andy Ashley Version: 2.10.0 OS: Windows XP SP3 Submission from: (NULL) ( I am updating a legacy program which called Rterm from within Excel VBA as follows: Rexe = """C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0\bin\Rterm.exe""" Roptions = "" env_vars = " R_USER=" & dirname cmdstring = Rexe & Roptions & env_vars retval = Shell(cmdstring, 6) R then executes .Rprofile setwd(?dirname?) source('run.R') I had previously used R 2.4.0 and found that I could call functions in the base package OK, but if I tried to call a function in stats, I got the error message: Error in eval.with.vis(expr,, envir, enclos) : could not find function ?wilcox.test? This message is in the Rterm window which appears. If I then type search() in this window, it tells me that package stats is loaded. I got around the problem by specifically calling require(stats) at the start of the R code. I upgraded the version of R used to 2.9.2 and I found that I now get the same error message for base functions as well, but require(base) does not work. The same problem occurs in R 2.10.0. I have had to go back to using R2.4.0 in my application. I realise that there is the Rexcel interface available, but it should still work by calling Rterm.