Louis Wong
2009-Nov-13 09:16 UTC
[Rd] About read.table function when using StatConn Problem
Hello, I recently dropped by Stat Conn web-page and feel very grateful about such a good product released, allowing C#.net developer to take benefit from the power of R stat Unfortunately, when I want to execute the following statement in R, it is fine M=read.table("C:\\Temp\\temp.dat",sep=",") but ........... in C# M=read.table("\C:\\Temp\\temp.dat\",sep="\,\") The nightmare comes as usual Double quote character [ " ] literal (constant) in C# must be used with escaped character \ This \ escaped character is also passed to R stat interpreter and cause the evaluation error ............ Actually, how could I use that ....... ? As I have many files in C:\Temp, supposed to processed iteratively by replacing file paths ......... I highly appreciate any help given ..........as I have been driven to be mad at this moment ................ Thanks, Louis Wong [[alternative HTML version deleted]]