Hello, I am using "R CMD INSTALL --clean" so that when my package is finished installed, a cleanup script is executed to post-process the generated html index file and add some more information. The cleanup (or cleanup.win script eventually calls the R code below) This works well, but it depends on the --clean switch. Is there another way, or can I force --clean (for example from the configure script) ? Romain h2 <- function( txt ){ sprintf( "<h2>%s</h2>\n", txt ) } link <- function( txt, href ){ sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', href, txt ) } line <- function( link, txt ){ sprintf( '<tr><td width="25%%">%s</td>\n<td>%s</td></tr>\n', link, txt ) } ooindex.file <- file.path( Sys.getenv( "R_PACKAGE_DIR" ) , "html", "00Index.html" ) if( file.exists( ooindex.file ) ){ # read the 00Index.html file ooindex <- readLines( ooindex.file ) bottom <- grep( "^</table>", ooindex) bottom <- bottom[ length(bottom) ] # add java specific things txt <- paste( '</table>\n', h2( "Java" ), '<table width="100%">\n', line( link( "javadoc" , "../javadoc/index.html" ), "API documentation" ), "</table>\n" ) ooindex[ bottom ] <- txt # write back cat( ooindex, file = ooindex.file, sep = "\n" ) } -- Romain Francois Professional R Enthusiast +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30 http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr |- http://tr.im/xMdt : update on the ant package |- http://tr.im/xHLs : R capable version of ant `- http://tr.im/xHiZ : Tip: get java home from R with rJava