Romain Francois wrote:> Hello,
> (This is a remix of this previous thread:
> , but
> with a concrete example)
> I am developing some packages that contain scripts (for Rscript) and
> would like to know what is the best/recommended way to ship these scripts.
> An example is the "ant" package (R capable version of apache ant,
> The package has a ant.R script in the exec directory
> and here is how I use it :
> $ `Rscript -e "cat( system.file( 'exec', 'ant.R',
package = 'ant' ) ) " `
> ... not so pretty. Meanwhile, "Writing R extensions" talks about
> exec directory, but it is not clear if I can use it this way or how.
I think exec is a reasonable place to put the script. If you don't want
to type that long command above, why not put it in a small function in
the package? E.g. define
antR <- function() cat( system.file( 'exec', 'ant.R', package
= 'ant' ) )
then you can run it with
Rscript -e "ant::antR()"
Duncan Murdoch
> Romain