Sklyar, Oleg (MI London)
2008-Apr-22 16:34 UTC
[Rd] plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
Hi all: following the previous discussion, it looks like plot(x) with y=NULL still does not work correctly. If one tries for example plot(1:5) it works, but already for plot(runif(100)) it does not. I posted the proposed correction for plot.POSIXct and plot.POSIXlt before. Please voice your opinions whether the following fix for plot.default could be reasonable? I include the full function and the diff. Thanks, Oleg plot.default <- function(x, y = NULL, type = "p", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, log = "", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab NULL, ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, asp = NA, ...) { ## These col, bg, pch, cex can be vectors, so exclude them ## Also, axis and box accept some of these localAxis <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) Axis(...) localBox <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) box(...) localWindow <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) plot.window(...) localTitle <- function(..., col, bg, pch, cex, lty, lwd) title(...) if (!is.null(y)) { ## normal plot x against y xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x)) ylabel <- deparse(substitute(y)) xy <- xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) xlab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$xlab else xlab ylab <- if (is.null(ylab)) xy$ylab else ylab xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]) else xlim ylim <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)]) else ylim } else { ## plot x on the vertical axis against index ## exchange given x* and y* attributes. One actually needs to ## exchange other attributes like xaxt/yaxt etc, but the same flaw ## is in the original implementation xlabel <- "Index" ylabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x)) xy <- xy.coords(seq_along(x), x, "Index", ylabel, log) # if (!is.null(ylab)) warning("y is NULL, ylab will be ignored") ylab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$ylab else xlab xlab <- "Index" # if (!is.null(ylim)) warning("y is NULL, ylim is ignored") ylim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)]) else xlim xlim <- range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]) } localWindow(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) panel.first # eval() is wrong here {Ross I.} plot.xy(xy, type, ...) panel.last if (axes) { localAxis(if(is.null(y)) xy$x else x, side = 1, ...) localAxis(if(is.null(y)) x else y, side = 2, ...) } if (frame.plot) localBox(...) if (ann) localTitle(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab ylab, ...) invisible() } =================== diff ====================================================57,81c57,63 < if (!is.null(y)) { < ## normal plot x against y < xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x)) < ylabel <- deparse(substitute(y)) < xy <- xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) < xlab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$xlab else xlab < ylab <- if (is.null(ylab)) xy$ylab else ylab < xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]) else xlim < ylim <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)]) else ylim < < } else { < ## plot x on the vertical axis against index < ## exchange given x* and y* attributes. One actually needs to < ## exchange other attributes like xaxt/yaxt etc, but the same flaw < ## is in the original implementation < xlabel <- "Index" < ylabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x)) < xy <- xy.coords(seq_along(x), x, "Index", ylabel, log) < # if (!is.null(ylab)) warning("y is NULL, ylab will be ignored") < ylab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$ylab else xlab < xlab <- "Index" < # if (!is.null(ylim)) warning("y is NULL, ylim is ignored") < ylim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)]) else xlim < xlim <- range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]) < } ---> xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x)) > ylabel <- if (!missing(y)) deparse(substitute(y)) > xy <- xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) > xlab <- if (is.null(xlab)) xy$xlab else xlab > ylab <- if (is.null(ylab)) xy$ylab else ylab > xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]) else xlim > ylim <- if (is.null(ylim)) range(xy$y[is.finite(xy$y)]) else ylim88,89c70,71 < localAxis(if(is.null(y)) xy$x else x, side = 1, ...) < localAxis(if(is.null(y)) x else y, side = 2, ...) ---> localAxis(xy$x, side = 1, ...) > localAxis(xy$y, side = 2, ...)Dr Oleg Sklyar Technology Group Man Investments Ltd +44 (0)20 7144 3803 osklyar at ********************************************************************** The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. 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Martin Maechler
2008-Apr-22 16:55 UTC
[Rd] plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
>>>>> "OlegS" == Sklyar, Oleg \(MI London\) <osklyar at> >>>>> on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 17:34:24 +0100 writes:OlegS> Hi all: OlegS> following the previous discussion, it looks like plot(x) with y=NULL OlegS> still does not work correctly. If one tries for example plot(1:5) it OlegS> works, but already for plot(runif(100)) it does not. ??? Not for me, with my propsal {{maybe only in your too much modified version of R ??} I've committed my proposal, and am interested in feedback, notably additional relevant examples. Martin OlegS> I posted the proposed correction for plot.POSIXct and OlegS> plot.POSIXlt before. Please voice your opinions OlegS> whether the following fix for plot.default could be OlegS> reasonable? I include the full function and the diff. (And both suffered from wraparounds)
Maybe Matching Threads
- [patch] add=TRUE in plot.default()
- patch for graphics/R/plot.R that fixes incorrect tick positions
- xy.coords assumes lists will have x and y components, but doesn't check (PR#13936)
- ugly plots with xlim/ylim exceeding data range (changed since R2.6.1)
- Bugs and comments. (PR#410)