R devel - May 2008

Friday May 30 2008
8:19PM 4 Request: Documentation of formulae
8:02PM 1 NAMESPACE & methods guidance, please
6:50PM 0 Wishlist: plot.acf often produces too long titles (PR#11545)
6:20PM 0 scoping problem when calling lm(precomputed formula, weights) (PR#11543)
4:15PM 0 Quartile summary generated by density() is misleading (PR#11541)
3:40PM 2 scoping problem when calling lm(precomputed formula, weights) from function (PR#11540)
Thursday May 29 2008
8:32PM 2 problem building R packages on RHEL 4 Linux with Intel compilers
6:41PM 2 Reading an "unsigned long long" using R readBin()
4:50PM 1 help (using ?) does not handle trailing whitespace (PR#11537)
3:17AM 0 mingw cross compiler binaries available
Wednesday May 28 2008
7:40PM 1 Cross-compilers for 2.7.0
3:36PM 0 thought for posting guide
1:55PM 1 Unnecssary warnings in plot function (PR#11530)
1:54PM 1 Multiple Intersections
Tuesday May 27 2008
8:45PM 1 Small request.
7:20PM 1 error: C stack usage is too close to the limit.
4:21PM 2 sort - Windows and Linux
3:45PM 0 solve cdf for noncentrality (PR#11527)
11:38AM 0 R and OpenSSI
10:45AM 1 (PR#11509) rgb to cmyk conversion is wrong in
Monday May 26 2008
11:23PM 2 make.packages.html
10:33AM 1 small documentation change: maxCol -> max.col in maxCol.Rd?
4:18AM 1 Listing all possible samples of Size two form Large Population
1:10AM 1 Double HTML encoding in R Bug Tracking Submission form (PR#11517)
Sunday May 25 2008
11:45PM 0 (PR#11482)
11:15PM 1 Using unicode with sprintf or paste in Windows (PR#11515)
3:45PM 1 format.factor (PR#11512)
11:32AM 2 A small modification of plot.acf (patch)
Saturday May 24 2008
9:17PM 1 value returned by findFun when the name cannot be found.
2:55PM 2 Macintosh Transperancy (PR#11511)
Friday May 23 2008
6:22PM 1 names<- bug or feature?
4:50PM 0 rgb to cmyk conversion is wrong in src/library/grDevices/src/devPS.c (PR#11509)
3:20PM 1 seeing an S4 method, not using it
5:57AM 0 A problem about the Japanese font of OSX
Thursday May 22 2008
8:34PM 0 postscript(colormodel = "cmyk") conversion is wrong
6:08PM 2 grid error message when resizing graphics window after tcltk loaded
5:20PM 1 tests/ok-errors.R ## bad infinite recursion
3:55PM 3 feature request for M$-Windows install (PR#11499)
3:21PM 0 FAQ nomination
3:05PM 0 PR#11477
7:40AM 1 bug in R 2.7.0 (PR#11497)
7:22AM 0 weights.default fail with "atomic vectors"
Wednesday May 21 2008
7:32PM 0 rbind.data.frame drops attributes for factor variables
5:12PM 1 rawToChar(raw(0))
3:47PM 0 doc buglet / system method
2:10PM 0 Errors in using gdb (PR#11496)
8:23AM 2 \S4method in combination with "[" and "[<-"
8:20AM 3 Problem with R or fBasics Package (PR#11495)
8:05AM 1 table(factor(x), exclude=NULL) (PR#11494)
4:54AM 2 need some help in plotting xy graph
12:05AM 2 image (PR#11493)
Tuesday May 20 2008
1:30PM 1 quartz identify bug (PR#11491)
8:41AM 1 S4 generic for lowess
Monday May 19 2008
10:59PM 1 using zlib in a package: problems in windows
8:11PM 1 Error in building library - R CMD build mypkg.
8:05PM 0 schoolmath (PR#11488)
4:12PM 0 as.POSIX{ct,lt} fail on class "AsIs"
9:40AM 1 (PR#11484) On WinXP, R CMD config needs sh (and breaks without it)
6:00AM 0 (PR#11484) On WinXP, R CMD config needs sh (and breaks
Sunday May 18 2008
8:05PM 0 On WinXP, R CMD config needs sh (and breaks without it) (PR#11484)
9:15AM 0 predict.prcomp: wrong check for matrix dimensions (PR#11482)
Saturday May 17 2008
2:10PM 0 HoltWinters fitted level parameter not bounded between 0 (PR#11478)
Friday May 16 2008
2:56PM 1 var/sd and NAs in R2.7.0
1:22PM 1 Sweave.sty problems under WinXP (English locale) with default settings
11:25AM 0 HoltWinters fitted level parameter not bounded between 0 (PR#11473)
10:55AM 0 HoltWinters fitted level parameter not bounded between 0 (PR#11472)
4:40AM 2 Configure errors say to report here... (PR#11470)
12:45AM 1 HoltWinters fitted level parameter not bounded between 0 and 1 (PR#11469)
Thursday May 15 2008
1:35PM 1 interrupting native code
11:07AM 1 ** operator
12:11AM 1 Warning about undocumented data sets
Wednesday May 14 2008
7:55PM 0 R Console preference pane has the blues (PR#11466)
5:50PM 0 Missing gfortran man page (PR#11465)
5:39PM 1 Reset an embedded R.dll
5:04PM 2 basename/dirname produce incorrect results
1:51PM 0 R and F9
11:25AM 0 Boxplot does not honor yaxp parameter (PR#11463)
10:50AM 0 Cook's Distance in GLM (PR#9316)
Tuesday May 13 2008
4:15PM 0 doc buglet / bug: row / col as.factor requires dimnames
2:37PM 1 Catching warning message(stdout) from C
10:54AM 0 'cat' and 'write' as generic, just like 'c', 'cbind' etc?
7:05AM 2 (PR#11281) Bug in R 2.7 for over long lines (crasher+proposed fix!)
5:54AM 1 OS X / R.h
5:50AM 0 Bug in R 2.7 for over long lines (crasher+proposed fix!) (PR#11456)
2:25AM 1 Unable to restore saved data in .RData (PR#11455)
Monday May 12 2008
5:24PM 2 k means
12:05AM 1 Advice on compiling R using Intel Compilers? Btw: -c99 is deprecated
Saturday May 10 2008
9:20PM 3 (PR#11281) Bug in R 2.7 for over long lines
10:20AM 1 (PR#11281) Bug in R 2.7 for over long lines (crasher+proposed
5:35AM 0 Bug in R 2.7 for over long lines (crasher+proposed fix!) (PR#11438)
Friday May 9 2008
8:00PM 1 Typo in man page for "packBits" (PR#11435)
5:00PM 1 str and class
3:30PM 0 Incorrect fix for PR#9316: Cook's Distance & plot.lm
11:10AM 1 comparison (PR#11421)
9:45AM 1 Have you ever experienced this problem with REAL in a C code
Thursday May 8 2008
3:39PM 2 Linux installation
12:10PM 1 [PATCH] Typo in 'unique' help page (PR#11401)
Wednesday May 7 2008
7:55PM 3 Version 2.7 for Windows (PR#11399)
5:35PM 0 closeAllConnections fails with socketConnection (PR#11396)
5:15PM 2 bug on compilation (PR#11395)
3:31PM 3 R-2.8.0 : get platform device with get(getOption("device"))
2:43PM 1 optional setValidity()
8:47AM 0 Ross Ihaka's reflections on Common Lisp and R
7:48AM 2 Windows binary packages & R-Forge
3:59AM 1 [BioC] RCurl loading problem with 64 bit linux distribution
Tuesday May 6 2008
7:02AM 3 a R_PV problem
12:37AM 2 gfortran: Command not found
Monday May 5 2008
9:28PM 0 where obtain libR.a?
6:58PM 1 Is there any way to find out how a certain functions are implemented in R?
6:22PM 2 [R-SIG-Mac] Starting tcltk without Tk
10:56AM 1 OS_type
5:02AM 3 troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy
Sunday May 4 2008
8:59PM 1 help with segmentation fault
6:50PM 1 ~/.Rprofile executed twice by R.app under Mac OS X (PR#11380)
4:06PM 1 S4 / S3 / Sweave problem
3:54PM 2 A patch for extending pdf device to embed popup text and web links
9:56AM 1 Change in the Tcl/Tk loading in R 2.7.0 (under Unix/Mac OS X)?
1:14AM 1 R CMD check: small tests suggestion
12:33AM 1 texi2dvi instead of pdflatex in R2.7.0? and related bioc 2.2 builds
Saturday May 3 2008
6:54PM 1 error with R-patched (2008-05-02 r45591)
7:10AM 0 Quartz doesn't display x-axis properly until a window resize (PR#11368)
Friday May 2 2008
7:23PM 2 Out of bounds negative index
2:40PM 3 S4: what to put in initialize, validity and constructor?
11:00AM 0 Using option na.rm=True in function SD does not work for matrix with complete columns of NAs (PR#11364)
1:53AM 1 all.equal, classes, and order of arguments
Thursday May 1 2008
2:40PM 3 Error in building ROracle in Windows with R 2.6.2 and Oracle 10g.
11:32AM 1 X11cairo with antialias="none" buggy under MacOS?
7:25AM 2 zero variance in part of a glm (PR#11355)