R devel - Mar 2008

Monday March 31 2008
10:07PM 2 Call R from C#
8:59PM 1 Compile dll in Windows XP
5:45PM 1 (PR#11054) "Writing R Extensions": bad example with CAR
8:10AM 1 (PR#11054) "Writing R Extensions": bad example with CAR /
Sunday March 30 2008
10:31PM 4 tests Rin and Rout
2:10PM 2 callCC in 2.7.0
1:49PM 1 package.skeleton.S4
9:52AM 2 data(lh) time serie parameters
4:09AM 1 norm_rand() in R-extension vs rnorm in R ---which is better?
Saturday March 29 2008
11:40PM 0 "Writing R Extensions": bad example with CAR / CDR as lvalues (PR#11054)
6:15PM 1 S4: dumpMethod (PR#11053)
6:08PM 1 A patch for extending pdf device to embed popup text and web links
4:10PM 0 cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11051)
Friday March 28 2008
4:05PM 1 cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11045)
Thursday March 27 2008
12:38AM 0 Google Summer of Code: cross-listing
Wednesday March 26 2008
7:19PM 1 suppressing 'download.file' progress window
4:04PM 5 S4 slot with NA default
9:35AM 0 as.POSIXct/as.POSIXlt generics
4:15AM 3 Misc/List Search Path from keyboard (PR#11036)
4:10AM 2 choose fails a fundamental property of binomial coefficients (PR#11035)
Tuesday March 25 2008
9:15PM 2 Incorrect behavior in 64-bit version (PR#11034)
9:03PM 2 R 64 on Intel Mac check problem
4:25PM 0 wishlist: add functions to calculate noncentrality parameters (PR#11033)
3:18PM 0 R 2.7.0 scheduled for April 22, prereleases in progress
2:43PM 1 DLL problem
4:50AM 1 regexp with [:upper:] (PR#11032)
Monday March 24 2008
9:44PM 1 revision 44805 breaks promptMethods()
5:40PM 1 resampling from string when it runs across multiple lines
5:35PM 1 Inaccurate qgamma() (PR#11030)
Sunday March 23 2008
6:32PM 2 problem with 'install.packages'
Friday March 21 2008
4:56PM 1 idea for GSoC: an R package for fitting Bayesian Hierarchical Models
1:47PM 1 Problem with Makefile.win and environment variable
Thursday March 20 2008
7:15PM 0 Installation error message with 2.6.2-win32 (PR#11007)
11:03AM 1 code optimization,analysis
Wednesday March 19 2008
4:22PM 1 R_ParseVector problem: it's cutting off after the decimal point
2:50PM 1 pdf device problem (PR#10995)
2:05PM 1 Error in code2LazyLoadDB
1:46PM 1 how to exclude terms preceded by - from model frame
1:25PM 1 choose incorrect for fractional and some negative integer values (PR#10766)
9:16AM 1 installing R packages from command line in Windows
1:20AM 0 The use of command 'file.choose' seems to make R console crash (PR#10994)
Tuesday March 18 2008
7:00PM 0 ambiguous example in as.Date() documentation (PR#10990)
6:43PM 0 Win-builder offline
5:18PM 0 [GSoC] - few general questions
5:04PM 4 cut.Date and cut.POSIXt problem
4:51PM 0 Utilities for methods
12:20PM 0 substitute with plots (PR#10987)
12:05PM 0 Wrong function name in R-ext manual (PR#10986)
10:39AM 2 Google summer of Code
9:35AM 1 glm poisson, method='ML' (PR#10985)
Monday March 17 2008
11:56PM 9 Roxygen
8:55PM 1 Inconsistency in gsub in R.2.6.2 (PR#10978)
5:06PM 1 how to get access to C++ Objects
4:55PM 0 Documentation of par, 'xaxs', (PR#10975)
1:20PM 0 Accessing vector elements by a factor (PR#10971)
10:13AM 1 Problems building rpm for R-2.6.2 on Opensuse Factory
Sunday March 16 2008
12:50PM 1 optim: why is REPORT not used in SANN?
Saturday March 15 2008
8:24AM 1 Experimental R_has_slot() utility
8:07AM 0 get number of clusters
Friday March 14 2008
11:23PM 0 (no subject)
5:16PM 1 'merge' function: behavior w.r.t. NAs in the key column
2:40PM 1 crazy behavior after Error (PR#10956)
2:20PM 1 dump() function (PR#10954)
2:18PM 1 Buggy Kinderman-Ramage (PR#2846)
10:45AM 3 write function (PR#10953)
Thursday March 13 2008
10:04PM 2 graphics defaults
9:50PM 2 Making custom unary operators in R
1:03PM 0 [Fwd: Re: bug with R CMP SHLIB (PR#10945)]
9:24AM 0 Using a binary package built on 2.6.X with 2.7.0, on OSX
Wednesday March 12 2008
9:06PM 1 Subsetting vectors/arrays using factors can be seen as misleading
5:00PM 2 bug with R CMP SHLIB (PR#10945)
11:23AM 0 dan.bolser has invited you to Spokeo
Tuesday March 11 2008
8:04PM 1 R-console vs. bash console (execution halted)
6:27PM 1 Rtools and GCC4 problem
Monday March 10 2008
6:01PM 2 write.table with row.names=FALSE unnecessarily slow?
5:29PM 1 Check errors using R2.6.2
1:32PM 0 Bindings for updated widgets in Tk 8.5.x
1:00PM 0 Wishlist: Factor correlations in factanal (PR#10931)
8:25AM 1 crossprod is slower than t(AA)%*BB
2:45AM 0 source(echo=TRUE) bug (was: [R] source() (PR#10924)
2:15AM 0 source(echo=TRUE) bug (was: [R] source() behavior I don't understand) (PR#10923)
Sunday March 9 2008
1:44PM 2 Bessel functions of complex argument
9:05AM 3 extract function "[" and empty index
3:11AM 2 [patch] add=TRUE in plot.default()
Friday March 7 2008
7:02PM 3 merging environments
4:20PM 1 Build options for R
3:08PM 3 R-Logo in \LaTeX (Mag. Ferri Leberl)
2:35AM 1 Installing latest version under Windows (PR#10908)
Thursday March 6 2008
9:55PM 0 javareconf (PR#10905)
6:10PM 1 Memory allocation error in 2.6.2 (PR#10903)
5:45PM 0 apply(x, 2, mean) fails if x is a data frame containing a matrix (PR#10902)
5:25PM 1 parser failed on correct formula (PR#10901)
4:45PM 0 Press delete key three times in R-2.6.1 to get segmentation (PR#10899)
2:15PM 0 Press delete key three times in R-2.6.1 to get segmentation (PR#10898)
10:27AM 1 Argument "nomatch" matched by multiple actual arguments ... %in% -> match?!?
1:56AM 1 invalid regular expression '[a-Z]'
Wednesday March 5 2008
11:26PM 1 embedFonts() side-effect under 2.6.2 ?
6:35PM 0 Press delete key three times in R-2.6.1 to get segmentation fault (PR#10892)
3:56PM 1 SEXP size management.
1:02PM 1 A patch
Tuesday March 4 2008
11:41PM 1 Problems in builtin editor -- memory leak? graphics plugin? (PR#10887)
1:46AM 0 using Chi-square test with a certain number of degrees of freedom ?
Monday March 3 2008
8:10PM 0 DataTime field when converting between database formats
4:25PM 1 Losing attributes in data.frame() (PR#10873)
Sunday March 2 2008
10:02PM 0 Problem creating Makefile.win to build package using Visual C++