The first implementation of the methods package used the "MethodsList" class for method dispatch. Objects from the class stored methods recursively by the separate arguments in the method signature. That was a good structure for selecting a method, but not for most other utilities. However, it was used for essentially everything in the beginning. The methods list for a particular function in a particular package was stored in an object in the package's namespace or environment, under a mangled name. For some time now this class has been replaced for method selection by environment tables that store methods by a string derived from the signature. The tables provide faster and more flexible computations. These tables are now stored and used instead of methods lists, but we continue to compute and assign the old objects as well. The time has come to get rid of the old objects, since there is some overhead in computing them and they can cause confusion or errors. The first step, for 2.7.0, will be to introduce some new utilities that return simpler structures---additions, not replacements for any current utilities. At the same time, we will deprecate the function that returns the mangled name for the old metadata objects---I very much hope no one is currently using this outside of the R code itself, in any case. For this round, the old metadata objects will still be generated. It's likely they will disappear in version 2.8. Meanwhile, the R code itself will be modified to not use these objects for standard utilities. With luck, the new code will be committed to r-devel within a few days. It should not cause any visible change except for those really digging into the innards, and not too likely even then. If you have functions that manipulate MethodsList objects (e.g., from calling getMethods()), these should still work. But you might consider changing to newer utilities that should be faster and more convenient, at least when more than one argument is involved. The new utilities will be: findMethods(), which returns a simple list of methods (replacement for getMethods()); findMethodSignatures(), which returns a character matrix of signatures; and hasMethods(), which tests for the existence of methods. Cheers, John