On Dec 6, 2007, at 11:58 AM, Lee Falin wrote:
> I had seen old posts on the list (circa 2002) regarding a Cocoa-R
> bridge that was under development, but I can't find anything recent
> about it. Does anyone know if this is available somewhere? If not,
> does anyone have any experience/pointers calling R functions from
> Cocoa?
R/Cocoa bridge is what the R for Mac OS X GUI is built upon (just grab
the sources and look at REngine). However, it's not perfect (its main
purpose was to support the GUI - it may need some de-coupling - see
also the "stand-alone-REngine" branch) and there is an ongoing project
to get write a more general bridge as part of the Mac GUI 2.x
initiative. There are also other alternatives, but I'm not sure how
public or currently maintained they are these days.