2005-Jul-06 02:06 UTC
[Rd] download.file() yields incomplete files with method="internal" (PR#7991)
Summary: When I use method="wget" with download.file(), I consistently get a download of the entire file. When I use method="internal", I infrequently get the entire file, but usually get only part of the file. This behavior occurs with .cdf (a weather file format - basically binary) from a UCAR site. I am not sure this is a bug, since it could be some internet inconsistency, or I may be doing something wrong, but given that wget works and internal doesn't, it might be a bug. Appended to this message is an example of the output from a download.file using method="wget" and method="internal", including warnings. After that are the warnings from looping 10 times using method="internal". Thank you for your time. Mark. ================================================================******* method="wget" ************> s<-download.file("ftp://ftp.atd.ucar.edu/pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf",destfile="~/boulder/foothills-weather-data/flab.20050619.cdf",mode="wb",method="wget")--14:10:57-- ftp://ftp.atd.ucar.edu/pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf => `/export/home/mbr/boulder/foothills-weather-data/flab.20050619.cdf' Resolving ftp.atd.ucar.edu... Connecting to ftp.atd.ucar.edu[]:21... connected. Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in! ==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done. ==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /pub/archive/weather/foothills ... done. ==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR flab.20050619.cdf ... done. Length: 16,940 (unauthoritative) 100%[====================================>] 16,940 48.51K/s 14:10:58 (48.43 KB/s) - `/export/home/mbr/boulder/foothills-weather-data/flab.20050619.cdf' saved [16,940] ************** method="internal" ************************> s<-download.file("ftp://ftp.atd.ucar.edu/pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf",destfile="~/boulder/foothills-weather-data/flab.20050619.cdf",mode="wb",method="internal")trying URL 'ftp://ftp.atd.ucar.edu/pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf' ftp data connection made, file length 16940 bytes opened URL =========================================downloaded 14Kb There were 33 warnings (use warnings() to see them)> warnings()Warning messages: 1: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 82 [0 - 82] 2: <<< 220----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 77 [82 - 159] 4: <<< 220-malbec.atd.ucar.edu: NCAR/ATD SE host, for official NCAR business only. --- -- 5: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 512 [0 - 512] 6: <<< 220- 220- *** National Center for Atmospheric Research *** 220- *** Atmospheric Technology Division *** 220- 220- *** Use of this system for unauthorized purposes is a *** 220- *** violation of federal law. See Public Law 99-474. *** 220- *** Any activity may be logged and monitored. By *** 220- *** using this system, you consent to such logging and *** 220- *** monitoring. -- 7: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 112 [0 - 112] 8: <<< *** 220---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220 -- 9: --- -- 10: Got 220 11: USER anonymous 12: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 23 [0 - 23] 13: <<< 230 Login successful. -- 14: --- -- 15: Got 230 16: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 51 [0 - 51] 17: <<< 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,117,80,209,192,27) -- 18: --- -- 19: Got 227 20: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 31 [0 - 31] 21: <<< 200 Switching to Binary mode. -- 22: --- -- 23: Got 200 24: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 109 [0 - 109] 25: <<< 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf (16940 bytes). -- 26: --- -- 27: Got 150 28: RxmlNanoFTPGetMore : read 19 [0 - 19] 29: <<< 226 File send OK. -- 30: --- -- 31: Got 226 32: QUIT 33: downloaded length 14480 != reported length 16940 ************** method="internal" 10 times ************************> options(internet.info=2) > for (i in 1:10) {s<-download.file("ftp://ftp.atd.ucar.edu/pub/archive/weather/foothills/flab.20050619.cdf",destfile="~/boulder/foothills-weather-data/flab.20050619.cdf",mode="wb",method="internal") print(s) } [verbose output removed] Warning messages: 1: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940 2: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940 3: downloaded length 11584 != reported length 16940 4: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940 5: downloaded length 11584 != reported length 16940 6: downloaded length 8688 != reported length 16940 7: downloaded length 14480 != reported length 16940 8: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940 9: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940 10: downloaded length 13032 != reported length 16940> version_ platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 2 minor 1.1 year 2005 month 06 day 20 language R>