On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 ross@biostat.ucsf.edu wrote:
> These are two small items that caught my eye.
> I'm looking at the R 1.7.1 2003-06-16 pdf reference manual. There are
> several refences to terms.default (e.g., p. 711, 712) but no definitions
> of it. I'm guessing this means terms, but it's a little puzzling.
No, it means the default method of the terms generic. Try ?terms.default,
which gives you a complete explanation.
Page numbers are useless to us, BTW, as they depend on the papersize and
I suspect you are not using ISO sizes.
> Also, the desription of terms.object does not mention that the
> "variables" attribute is actually a list of calls--surprising to
It isn't. It is a single call to list.
> since I was expecting text like all.vars.
But, it says it is a `list'. Wrong, but not character (if that is what
you meant by `text').
> It would be useful to
> indicate if all.vars returns the same ordering as the variables
> attribute (at least, I'm wondering it now, though this might be a sign
> I've gone astray).
What has all.vars to do with terms? All.vars applies to an expression or
call, and terms() applies to a formula or a model object.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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