Puppet users - Dec 2013

Tuesday December 31 2013
9:05PM 0 file management
4:47PM 0 Run stages of virtual resources
12:42PM 0 MCollective/Puppet - one-time run with other options
1:49AM 0 Blogged about the coming Type System in Puppet
Monday December 30 2013
11:04PM 0 Getting agent v3.4 to manage my services
12:21PM 0 Provider must have features 'manages_symlinks' to set 'ensure' to 'link' shouldn't happen on Linux?
Sunday December 29 2013
1:13PM 0 Error: undefined method `use_ssl=' for #<Puppet::Network::HTTP::Connection
Friday December 27 2013
9:42PM 0 puppet 3.3.2 with ruby 2.1.0
4:17PM 0 mco puppet runonce fails intermittently
10:20AM 0 puppet agent on HP unix os
12:57AM 0 Announce: Puppet 2.7.24 is available
Thursday December 26 2013
8:09PM 0 book
7:07PM 0 Announce: Puppet 3.4.1 is available
6:54PM 0 mco package fail with puppet 3.4.0
6:48PM 0 Puppet Enterprise 2.8.4 is available
6:46PM 0 Puppet Enterprise 3.1.1 is available
Tuesday December 24 2013
11:21PM 0 ruby visual debuggers/ide's for Linux
7:15PM 0 dashed by dashboard
1:50PM 0 rspec-puppet: mocking included params class in defines
10:49AM 0 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Monday December 23 2013
8:50PM 0 puppet 3.4.0 upgrade, foreman 1.1-stable, problems that are not provisioning related
8:07PM 0 Cant install modules
5:44PM 0 missing msgpack gem following puppet 3.4.0 upgrade
8:48AM 0 Puppet getting "Cannot allocate memory - fork(2)" error. Running without puppetmaster
Sunday December 22 2013
2:33AM 0 Debugging execution error with vcsrepo
1:45AM 0 Trigger ant script via puppet agent from windows
Friday December 20 2013
8:37PM 0 Execution expired? Error message during agent run
6:30PM 0 Puppet 3.4.0 name as an array in package
4:38PM 0 One big manifest?
3:58PM 0 triggering 'apt-get update'?
2:45PM 0 Puppet Pro, 2nd edition - status directly from APress
2:05PM 0 Hosting Master In Multiple Vhosts (migrating port from 8140 -> 443)
9:46AM 0 Failed to submit 'replace facts'
2:12AM 0 Mirroring apt.puppetlabs.com creates extra directories
Thursday December 19 2013
11:45PM 0 Announce: Puppet 3.4.0 Now Available
8:39PM 0 Roles/profile design
4:33PM 0 Windows check_sum: Error: "\xF4" to UTF-8 in conversion
1:30PM 0 Installing the package dependencies
10:41AM 0 Push message from Windows Agent to Unix (puppet Master)
7:25AM 0 Mcollective agent sync
4:03AM 0 Package management
2:08AM 1 Help with Ubuntu Preseed Repository for Puppet Open Source
12:55AM 0 Is there any example to collect IPs of other nodes to generate a hash to be used in mysql_grant
Wednesday December 18 2013
10:46PM 0 Resources not exported from puppet agent run on the Puppet Master nodes with PuppetDB
6:58PM 0 ruby
4:33PM 1 puppet resource for custom providers
2:52PM 0 Puppet agent on Solaris no logging
2:29PM 3 custom fact should not run on Solaris
8:41AM 4 How Puppet can evaluate the output od command?
7:15AM 0 enc with roles and profiles
1:38AM 0 Announce: Facter 1.7.4 Available
12:31AM 3 Process hang on FreeBSD
Tuesday December 17 2013
10:27PM 4 new puppet book revision
10:24PM 0 Process hung on FreeBSD
8:35PM 2 very odd Duplicate declaration problem.
4:56PM 2 puppet master stopped loading facts since puppetdb installation
4:23PM 1 Geppetto complains about uninitialized variables in reduce function
1:02PM 3 puppet environments not working
11:10AM 1 A different way of managing POSIX ACLs : fooacl
Monday December 16 2013
11:53PM 0 gem update error
10:37PM 2 gem install error
7:46PM 7 puppet-dashboard status report and bottleneck
6:16PM 0 Customizing puppet run log format
3:53PM 1 Overriding class options with hiera
3:48PM 0 Change to issue tracking for Forge & PL Module projects
1:59PM 2 Mcollective Concepts
4:46AM 1 Projects.puppetlabs.com undergoing maintenance at 9PM PST
Sunday December 15 2013
2:23PM 1 Template change - not applying
Saturday December 14 2013
2:59PM 2 err: Could not send report: Error 400 on SERVER: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token
1:04PM 1 MySql: allow user root to access from any host
5:17AM 2 Issues with hiera
12:31AM 0 Problem with runonce in Puppet Enterprise console
Friday December 13 2013
10:29PM 3 how to see which classes are assigned to a node?
10:05PM 2 New to puppet and recieving mcollective error
9:56PM 3 Resource ordering only using Hiera?
7:52PM 0 Module team update: 2013-09-24 - 2013-12-12
7:39PM 2 Interpolating hiera variables in hiera itself
5:25PM 9 Puppet Dashboard: how to connect?
12:28PM 0 [SOLVED] Re: puppet dashboard & ssl database connection
11:54AM 0 puppet dashboard & ssl database connection
11:03AM 2 Pass variable to class from hiera puppetlabs-apache
7:30AM 0 Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error Hiera::InterpolationLoop: Detected in [::environment]
7:06AM 3 Windows - MSI that shows up in Windows Features instead of Add/Remove Programs
12:09AM 0 Announce: Hiera 1.3.1-rc1 Now Available
Thursday December 12 2013
11:20PM 12 yamlyzer
8:46PM 2 examples of puppet yaml output
8:30PM 2 Stdlib and Defined Types
7:25PM 2 How best to distribute yaml file for custom fact?
4:54PM 2 Puppet and MCollective
9:14AM 1 Need help in addressing this error - ERROR OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_accept returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read client certificate A: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
4:49AM 0 puppet nagios module integration
3:24AM 3 Puppetlabs-firewall and Logging
Wednesday December 11 2013
10:44PM 0 Renewing Puppet Master Certificate
10:43PM 0 Puppetlabs-firewall LOG and Drop
10:33PM 2 using multiple facter values with hiera
10:25PM 13 recursive descent
9:11PM 1 Puppet with Fuse
8:32PM 1 one mco client, multiple activemqs
8:31PM 1 storeconfigs errors and other beginner questions
6:14PM 4 What types of Information Can Puppet Automate?
5:05PM 0 Announce: Puppet 3.4.0-rc2 Available
4:51PM 6 using puppet device
4:15PM 3 Is anyone using Puppet for RHEL Patch management ?
4:02PM 1 variable scope defined in a "define"
3:31PM 7 hiera 1.3.0 breaks puppet standalone
3:00PM 12 Cannot see Inventory in Dashboard & failed to use facer variable in manifest
1:29PM 4 apt.puppetlabs.com to slow
1:28PM 0 3.3.2 puppet master : rubygems issue
12:50PM 2 puppetdb: no communication between PM and puppetdb
12:42AM 0 console web timeout
Tuesday December 10 2013
7:44PM 2 Template file name
6:56PM 1 Noop some classes/ressources
6:51PM 8 Puppet Labs issue tracker migration 16 Dec 2013
4:14PM 0 DR hot/warm spare node patterns / anti-patterns?
2:31PM 2 puppet parser validate fails
8:58AM 5 Puppetlabs/Apache 0.10.0 Release
7:32AM 0 PUT type REST API
4:45AM 0 Puppet Master not responding
2:12AM 0 Announce: Facter 1.7.4-rc1 Available
Monday December 9 2013
11:12PM 2 audit
10:43PM 2 crontab
10:35PM 1 mail
10:32PM 3 Access class results variables in puppet
10:26PM 2 Are storeconfigs without puppetDB possible?
7:27PM 0 Hiera + GPG: If GPG first backend, yaml (non-gpg) entries cause failure
5:29PM 0 PE Install Question (Console/Master on one host, PuppetDB on another)
5:24PM 0 PE Install Question (Master/Console together, separate PuppetDB)
5:12PM 1 Pattern question for providers
12:48PM 0 FreeBSD ports provider as module
12:34PM 0 mysql module v 1.0 mysql_grant - database_grant
3:31AM 6 puppet apply manifest command line parameters
Sunday December 8 2013
10:49AM 0 puppet calatog size and file server
6:51AM 1 The error we caught said '407 "authenticationrequired"' during module install behind proxy
4:44AM 0 Provider not using command functions
4:22AM 2 using mco to manage puppet resources by class
Saturday December 7 2013
7:03PM 3 puppet apply or puppet agent -t fails on razor installation. Need help on razor too.
2:29AM 1 help dependency packages
Friday December 6 2013
10:23PM 2 Hiera user account info
7:12PM 13 Can't seem to get modulepath attribute recognized by puppetmasterd
3:10PM 0 Problem using hiera-eyaml
1:12PM 2 Automatic installation of puppet agent from puppet master
1:09PM 5 Hiera in custom facts?
10:08AM 1 Accessing internal read-only parameters
9:51AM 1 RSpec tests failing after upgrading to rspec-puppet v1.0.1
8:32AM 2 Automatic Agent installation from dashboard?
1:35AM 13 Unpleasant puppetlabs experience
12:29AM 4 Problem with report processor - undefined method
Thursday December 5 2013
9:41PM 2 Agent speed - what is 'normal'?
9:24PM 0 Puppet agent not loading module correctly
9:23PM 0 Issues in setting up puppet agent and master configuratuon
7:48PM 4 puppetdb not responding since 'yum update'
6:51PM 1 puppetdb terminus - different results using sudo
6:49PM 0 puppetdb: different results for sudo
6:45PM 2 puppet terminus: different results for sudo
6:18PM 0 PE and VMWare Question
5:16PM 18 Getting latest agent on debian for ARM?
3:29PM 2 Windows node fails to request certificate (SSL error)
10:04AM 0 To disable CA on puppetmaster
3:04AM 1 Using scheduled_task for Windows startup
12:16AM 0 puppetmaster and nodes upgraded
Wednesday December 4 2013
11:37PM 3 Ensure last line in a file
9:33PM 9 external node classifier with a back-end
7:26PM 7 puppetdb: how to install using the system ruby 1.9.3-p484
7:14PM 1 Question about Hiera...
6:33PM 2 templates as static files
6:28PM 4 Puppet Master accepting request without certificates
5:48PM 4 dependency injection in puppet
1:44PM 6 How to reject agent (node) certificate request
1:32PM 1 puppet 2.7, template, keys of hash
10:47AM 2 How to yum install puppet 3.2.2
10:19AM 0 Enabling Inventory Support for dashboard give SSL_connect error
10:04AM 2 puppetdb missing environment fact
7:19AM 2 what is the right way to ensure specific version installed on puppet agent?
5:20AM 0 Submit Puppet talks to upcoming events
1:39AM 10 MySQL server install with datadir != /var/lib/mysql
Tuesday December 3 2013
11:50PM 3 external node classifiers
7:42PM 3 Announce: Puppet 3.4.0-rc1 Available
5:54PM 2 Problem with conditional in a template
4:39PM 2 Puppet module testing & code coverage...
4:35PM 3 Fedora 20 Packages
4:46AM 0 Local group member management module posted to the forge.
1:39AM 4 testing and exported (nagios) resources
Monday December 2 2013
8:48PM 1 Tracking Bug #21869, Subject is: Error: Could not request certificate:stack level too deep", does not explain the workaround clearly.
7:23PM 3 cli-driven list-file-based ad-hoc runs
5:39PM 1 Class parameter flexibility with ENC, hiera or both
4:58AM 4 Multiple server roles using hiera and facts
3:28AM 1 Dynamic hiera.yaml
Sunday December 1 2013
5:20PM 2 best way to distribute puppet manifests
11:29AM 1 Hiera - override variable