Puppet users - Apr 2013

Tuesday April 30 2013
10:37PM 3 Retrieve scoped resource defaults from class method in custom type
10:08PM 1 manifest digest mismatch error
9:05PM 2 Puppet 2.6.x is now EOL
4:46PM 2 puppet 3 and hiera debugging
1:45PM 1 realizing virtual resource does not match on default properties
9:25AM 2 replace a word in config file
7:59AM 1 Class definitions under node default do not propagate in puppet-agents
1:43AM 3 puppet-cleaner 0.2.0
12:45AM 5 rspec-puppet testing with puppet $::settings
Monday April 29 2013
11:34PM 0 What's my syntax problem: "Could not match 'c:/tmp' " ?
5:46PM 1 Puppet Windows - Mapped Network Drive and Service Account
1:55PM 20 High Availability of Puppet server for separate geographical location
1:18PM 2 checking puppet run status of node A during puppet run of node B
1:15PM 3 hiera malformed format string - %S
12:52PM 2 augeas
7:12AM 2 Sharing data between nodes with hiera
4:04AM 0 Please Help with HAProxy + Puppet
Sunday April 28 2013
11:34AM 1 removing hosts from puppet-monitor (example42)
9:48AM 3 puppet master on the internet
9:40AM 3 Learning puppet: how to use a module?
Saturday April 27 2013
8:32AM 2 can puppet agent use 2 independent puppet master ?
Friday April 26 2013
8:08PM 3 Help me with a local Linux account management module
5:36PM 1 Create a file which lists all server names with a given environment variable
5:34PM 7 passwordless ssh
5:03PM 3 how do you test and release puppet changes?
4:39PM 0 Announce: Module puppetlabs/postgresql 2.2.0 Available
4:23PM 0 puppet-cleaner 0.1.1
2:23PM 0 Get class members
10:19AM 5 Using puppet to install puppet modules
6:49AM 0 Puppet Dashboard Issues
5:06AM 2 Access facts values in Puppet provider
Thursday April 25 2013
9:55PM 2 Current status of Puppet and MCollective on Windows
8:45PM 3 Puppet and internal modules...
5:50PM 1 using a "test" within an if in a manifest
3:22PM 0 Custom hiera back-ends
2:31PM 1 Problems Running Puppet Once For Passenger Installation - Certificates Disappear
2:00PM 1 scheduled_task created but didn't see task under 'Task Scheduler' GUI
7:50AM 3 problems ensuring that a service is absent
Wednesday April 24 2013
11:26PM 2 Is there an Ubuntu 12.04 PPA?
11:00PM 8 Problem retreiving catalog
10:22PM 2 puppet apache module dependency cycle
9:24PM 6 How do I automagically remove old versions of jar files?
12:28PM 4 How do I check whether an imported resource has already been defined?
Tuesday April 23 2013
9:52PM 6 defined function notparse order dependant
9:22PM 3 ppg: Scheduled rollouts and dashboard with git in decentralized setup
7:41PM 0 git-based workflow with local proxy, dashboard and scheduled/embargoed rollouts
2:57PM 4 Need help! Puppet could not request certificate: No route to host -connect(2)
2:45PM 0 Possible to turn off a specific log level?
2:21PM 0 Interfacing with a CLI
9:45AM 3 ssh_keys created every puppet run
5:33AM 1 multi-puppetmaster CA setup problem
3:06AM 0 manifest with the gpg sign
Monday April 22 2013
9:12PM 0 Have you submitted a talk for PuppetConf?
8:53PM 4 Hiera error in Puppet: undefined method `empty?'
4:02PM 2 Running puppetmaster on different port
3:56PM 4 Puppet catalog transfer often gets truncated (Could not intern from pson: error)
3:04PM 1 Working with defined classes
2:06PM 1 Passenger failing sporadically
9:48AM 3 Udefined method `get_uptime` for Facter::Util::Uptime:Module
3:09AM 4 puppetdb v2 node api
Sunday April 21 2013
11:31PM 4 Design pattern for exported resources from EC2 autoscaled instances
1:18PM 4 How to reference a class in site.pp without creating a module?
1:45AM 4 Help me with overriding define resource
Saturday April 20 2013
8:27PM 0 Setting certname with cloud provisioning
5:15PM 1 PuppetDB / inventory service configuration problem
1:41PM 2 Puppet defined types and defaults parameters
5:17AM 0 Testing fail message for case selector
Friday April 19 2013
6:58PM 2 Attributes in user resource causing an error (PE 2.8.1)
2:50PM 3 Yum cannot "see" puppet-3.2.0-0.1rc1
1:56PM 12 How to pass puppet/hiera veriable to external script ? Do I need to ?
1:52AM 2 Need some suggestions about how to handle dependencies between different Puppet nodes
Thursday April 18 2013
10:02PM 0 Announce: Puppet 3.2.0-rc1 Available
10:02PM 4 fact_stomp_server
8:47PM 0 [JOB] System Administrator for The Genome Institute - St. Louis MO
8:44PM 2 Scoping of default types & dependency loops
8:35PM 0 Announce: Hiera 1.2.1 Available
8:15PM 4 Hiera Automatic Parameter Lookup Question
7:19PM 2 How to remove a node from Puppet CA, Puppet DB from a remote host
7:00PM 7 Fileserver on a client rather than a puppetmaster
5:57PM 2 Managing System Reboots
5:32PM 1 Fetching class parameteres fails when tiering node inheritance under puppet 3.x
9:25AM 5 Best practice to always fully qualify classes with :: ?
Wednesday April 17 2013
5:09PM 5 Puppet 3.1, Hiera and a class parameter called "service"
2:19PM 0 Issues with Puppet 2.8.0
11:17AM 0 Run a node class through puppet dashboard
9:11AM 1 REST API in standalone configuration
9:01AM 2 Configuring REST API in standalone Puppet
Tuesday April 16 2013
10:31PM 7 puppet-cleaner: makes puppet DSL code comply with a subset of the style guide
7:56PM 3 Microsoft dotNet Framework 4.0 (.net, .netfx, dotnetfx)
7:42PM 2 testing custom types?
6:34PM 0 How to get return code of a command used in a custom provider.
3:28PM 0 Puppet Dashboard errror
2:47PM 0 DoDPuppet project
9:19AM 5 Puppet / hiera call a parametrised class from hieras yaml file?
4:26AM 1 Template with array and nested hash
4:04AM 1 Ruby Error Encountered when Installing Dashboard for Puppet Open Source
Monday April 15 2013
10:48PM 1 Fedora 16 leaving yum.puppetlabs.com
6:53PM 0 Announce: Facter 1.7.0 Available
5:06PM 1 Hiera misbehavior: Dynamic data source notation
2:14PM 5 Using onlyif for Windows exec
2:13PM 2 Managing uniform package baselines (declaring *many* packages) - any tricks?
12:56PM 0 Puppet report processor to keep reports on Agent
12:38PM 1 Using PuppetDB REPL
10:02AM 4 Module structure for case-specific configuration
8:31AM 1 Experiences migrating from SCCM to Puppet
Sunday April 14 2013
9:36PM 1 How to kick off integration tests after successful puppet run?
6:14AM 3 what's the syntax for converting the yaml of facts into a hash table?
Saturday April 13 2013
4:44PM 3 Conditional based on whether package is part of the manifest
2:18PM 6 facter doesn't load from /ect/facter/facts.d
11:13AM 0 run/exec a script from puppet dashboard on multiple servers?
9:41AM 2 push puppet agent from dashboard
3:53AM 0 Can an ENC see the incoming environment value or other agent options? 3.0.1
3:53AM 0 Custom Reports (puppet 2.7)
12:10AM 3 Question on Variable Scope
Friday April 12 2013
8:57PM 2 service "delete"
7:23PM 13 Windows Puppet waits for <CR>, then warns "Facter::Util::Resolution.exec with a shell built-in is deprecated"
3:33PM 0 API to remove and clean nodes out of the master
12:55PM 4 puppet module upgrade dilemma with Subversion
9:01AM 17 MCollective and Puppet with periodic runs disabled
8:44AM 5 How to setup /etc/resolv.conf dependent on network
Thursday April 11 2013
10:13PM 0 Announcing stdlib 4.0.1
6:55PM 5 Deploying Modules on Windows Node without using Dashboard (Puppet Enterprise Console)
6:11PM 4 Duplicate Declaration of resource (editing contents of same file in two diiferent module)
5:24PM 0 Upcoming Puppet Camps: Speak or Attend
5:21PM 0 Announce: Hiera 1.2.1-rc1 Available
4:30PM 3 Understanding how Puppet SSL works !
3:45PM 2 Disable A Windows Service Only If It Exists
3:22PM 3 puppet-lint -- learning stuff about style but also generating questions
2:18PM 0 I want in the future HIERA-2
10:16AM 0 Problem with jlyheden/puppet-tcpwrapper and Concat
9:25AM 0 Manifest changes not applied
8:43AM 2 Generate YARD docs for modulepath
2:47AM 0 How to enable hiera debug when running puppet 3.0 with apache/passenger?
12:22AM 3 Anyone managed to integrate Ambari/Hortonworks with an existing puppet installation?
Wednesday April 10 2013
4:01PM 5 Managing multiple nagios servers with puppet and virtual resources
3:27PM 4 example42 mcollective - setting version produces an error
9:26AM 2 Defining custom resource types wrapping exec resources and using optional “unless”
8:45AM 2 hiera & hiera-gpg
Tuesday April 9 2013
11:51PM 0 hard reset with vcsrepo?
7:56PM 1 Nagios Module Facter Lib 'mountpoints.rb' Causing Windows Clients to Not Operate Properly
7:46PM 3 testing static manifests
7:35PM 1 puppet inverts dependencies?
3:44PM 6 External Facts on Windows with Powershell
2:03PM 2 install multiple versions with gem provider
10:20AM 3 Realize a virtual parametriced class
9:36AM 9 How to optimize puppet class/module code ?
4:02AM 5 Puppet mount fails due to kernel module
1:51AM 7 How to executing puppet module via puppetrun
Monday April 8 2013
9:10PM 4 Puppet parameterized class - include for declaration?
6:28PM 12 Not custom facts, but variables?
6:26PM 0 Announce: Facter 1.7.0-rc2 Available
5:36PM 1 Show manifest code in rdoc
5:28PM 9 More Hiera and Environment questions
5:21PM 1 Announce: Module puppetalbs/puppetdb 1.2.1 Available
12:51PM 0 Struggling with RDoc
11:03AM 2 Allowing external users to deploy code where an existing puppet instance exists.
8:46AM 4 puppet uninstall package
Sunday April 7 2013
11:18PM 0 Windows Installers with EULA agreement GUI
11:16PM 1 Windows Features/Roles vs. DISM
8:15PM 0 Jenkins Plugins & puppet
Saturday April 6 2013
8:05PM 1 Remove msi from windows 7
9:03AM 0 How does puppet fit into release cycle workflows
7:43AM 1 Report processor failed: String can't be coerced into Fixnum
Friday April 5 2013
10:38PM 7 Puppet client not auto updating
6:26PM 0 Announce: Module puppetlabs/puppetdb 1.2.0 Available
4:43PM 0 Windows Agent - Reinstall a Software Package
8:57AM 0 Citrix Netscalers
8:14AM 2 puppet node find doesn't return classes and scope vars ?
7:58AM 3 Puppet Dashboard 1.2.23 issue deleting node
7:57AM 2 Flush provider - Differentiating between new resource and modification?
3:24AM 0 dependancies needed for tag skipped classes?
3:23AM 0 Problems with Puppet installer on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
3:00AM 0 ./puppet-enterprise-installer error on Ubunt 12.04 LTS
Thursday April 4 2013
8:53PM 1 New to Puppet
7:50PM 1 Error 400 on SERVER: allocator undefined for Proc
7:19PM 3 Help me (fully) clear out stored configs from PuppetDB Postgresql
7:15PM 1 Solutions to Learning Puppet Exercises?
4:23PM 6 replacing mkdir -p
2:52PM 0 using if statements inside custom resource
2:46PM 3 Dashboard showing "newline" character
1:39PM 4 Using Puppet for Application package installation
12:33PM 5 Unable to set MySQL root password
10:44AM 6 File resource without ensure
10:38AM 3 Coding style best practise
12:39AM 9 Announce: Hiera 1.2.0 Available
Wednesday April 3 2013
11:29PM 0 Announce: PuppetDB 1.2.0 Available
8:18PM 1 Using single hiera hash for two create_resources, and mounting filesystems
8:03PM 0 puppetlabs-firewall bug (Issue 144)
7:56PM 0 Where to keep server side custom function .rb files so they are not sync'd to client nodes?
6:53PM 1 Puppet Live Management Not Working
4:57PM 2 Managing "<Directory>" entries in httpd.conf with Puppet.
4:00PM 1 Trouble with puppetdb on ubuntu when using passenger
3:48PM 2 puppetlabs-firewall usage questions
3:39PM 0 Windows Remote Desktop Services Custom Facts HELP, please
2:06PM 1 defining "roles" (and hiera)
1:18PM 4 Encrypt Passwords in Manifests
4:51AM 1 calling_module vs module_name ?
12:53AM 3 Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Puppet?
Tuesday April 2 2013
11:55PM 1 puppetlabs-apache module a2mod
9:09PM 0 puppetlabs-puppet module?
7:09PM 4 Dependency Cycle Question
6:47PM 0 Nodes not showing up under 'Live Management' on fresh install of PE 2.7
5:48PM 2 Multiple sources for puppet configuration?
4:27PM 3 Grouping hosts for stage deployment
4:13PM 2 before and after not being honoured
2:44PM 3 ssh_authorized_key errors in RHEL6
1:05PM 2 puppet dashboard enc default group
12:52PM 1 puppet kick question
12:45PM 0 Puppet Dell Openmanage users
8:30AM 3 tagging within defined type, then collecting fails
Monday April 1 2013
11:49PM 0 Announce: Facter 1.7.0-rc1 Available
9:20PM 1 Custom fileserver paths
8:15PM 1 troubleshoot hungup pids in Passenger
6:28PM 2 Template function does not show warnings if variable not defined