I''ve been using foreman as an ENC and assigning node parameters for some time and it was clearly working but it apparently broke somewhere along the way and I can''t tell why. Here''s part of the modules/sudoers/manifests/sudoers_hostgroup.pp class sudoers::hostgroup { case hostgroup { default: { file{"/etc/sudoers.d/admins_web": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0440, source => "puppet:///modules/sudoers/admins_web", } # Puppet maintained file /etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_web file{"/etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_web": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content => generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ldap-add-host.sh", $fqdn, "admins_web"), require => Class["mod_puppet::deployment_files"], } } ''database server'': { file{"/etc/sudoers.d/admins_database": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0440, source => "puppet:///modules/sudoers/admins_database", } # Puppet maintained file /etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_database file{"/etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_database": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content => generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/ldap-add-host.sh", $fqdn, "admins_database"), require => Class["mod_puppet::deployment_files"], } } } } and FWIW, some of the nodes that I set up in October and earlier have the files (puppet/deployment_files/admins_web, /etc/sudoers.d/admins_web) but the new nodes clearly do not. I''m not sure if it was migrating from puppet 2.6.8 or foreman from 0.3 to 0.4 but I can clearly see the ''hostgroup'' parameters are attached to the host''s yaml file in /var/lib/puppet/yaml/foreman and just in case, I have tried changing the ''hostgroup'' top scope to $hostgroup and $::hostgroup to no avail. What am I missing or how can I troubleshoot this? -- Craig White ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ craig.white@ttiltd.com 1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.ttiassessments.com Need help communicating between generations at work to achieve your desired success? Let us help! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppet-users+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users?hl=en.