search for: deployment_fil

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "deployment_fil".

Did you mean: deployment_files
2012 Jan 09
node parameters
...default: { file{"/etc/sudoers.d/admins_web": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0440, source => "puppet:///modules/sudoers/admins_web", } # Puppet maintained file /etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_web file{"/etc/puppet/deployment_files/ldap_admins_web": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content => generate("/etc/puppet/scripts/", $fqdn, "adm...
2011 Sep 14
fail to exec apt-get upgrade (change from notrun to 0 failed...)
So here is my manifest: class aguu { exec { "update": command => "apt-get update", path => "/usr/bin/" } exec { "upgrade": command => "apt-get upgrade -y", path => "/usr/bin/" } } It it supposed to run apt-get update + upgrade
2012 Jun 14
Request a way for passing simple info to a package installation
I need to install postfix on a a debian system with puppet. Unfortunately there are a lot of prompts. One way to deal with this is, is: Another way (apparently) is to give an answerfile in the package resource declaration. (I have no idea how to do this) e.g.: echo postfix postfix/main_mailer_type        select  No
2011 Sep 11
How To Expand an .erb Template Without Doing a Full Puppet Run?
We use puppet to distribute named zone files, like many of you do. We use git to maintain these files, which are then pulled by the puppet master machine. These zone files are actually puppet template .erb files. The other day, I made a mistake which resulted in some zone files with syntax errors in them. Puppet faithfully distributed the erroneous zone files to the name servers, which killed