similar to: node parameters

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "node parameters"

2011 Oct 11
recursive finds
I am trying to supplement and ultimately provide a patch for ''foreman'' which is an adjunct to puppet. Essentially, there is a Hosts class which belongs_to Hostgroup and Hostgroup class has a column called ''ancestry'' which is actually a Hostgroup (probably what is referred to as STI but I am not sure) and thus within Foreman, nesting Hostgroups is not uncommon.
2011 Nov 20
Foreman API, problem when creating hostgroups
I am trying to create a hostgroup using the Foreman API (foreman-0.4-0.1rc1.noarch): Using perl v.5.14.2, REST::Client et. al., ending up with sending: POST /hostgroups {"name":"api-created-
2013 Feb 14
Really need some help:: Weird Issue with external data look up in puppet 2.6.11
Running puppet 2.6.11 opensource on Red Hat 5.6 client. I cannot explain this logically but I have a directory structure like so: /etc/puppet/manifests/hiera/hostgroups/ with directories for each of my application areas like so: *clickz core devel dns icross iswap itch puppet test ubuntu* *What is weird is that if I put anything under the directory named "core", the ext
2012 Jul 17
puppet host tagging
Hi all . i am running puppet version 2.6.16 and foreman Version 0.4.2 . my question is as follows . i would like to know if there is a way to tag server with a group tagging . for example . let say i am running apache with a unique configuration and network architecture and want to tag in with "tag1" and a i have few more apache installation with the a new unique configuration and
2011 Sep 14
fail to exec apt-get upgrade (change from notrun to 0 failed...)
So here is my manifest: class aguu { exec { "update": command => "apt-get update", path => "/usr/bin/" } exec { "upgrade": command => "apt-get upgrade -y", path => "/usr/bin/" } } It it supposed to run apt-get update + upgrade
2012 Oct 26
Using regex to match hostnames in hiera
Hi, I''m having a problem with extlookup not respecting the ''certname'' parameter[1].  When executing a puppet run with either the --certname or --fqdn parameters, it ends up using the specified SSL certificate and gets the correct node definition applied from the puppetmaster.  However, it still retrieves extlookup data using the node''s actual FQDN, not the one
2011 Nov 18
Setting nagios hostgroups based on included classes
I''m trying to generate (and manage) nagios configuration based on what classes have been included by nodes. I''ve seen the example at, and I''m doing that now. However, it has some problems: - puppet runs are very slow on the nagios node - when I want to change the service configuration in nagios, I have to wait
2011 Mar 11
Why is it so hard to make a sane nagios server config?
I''ve tried to achieve my overall goals with several different features of Puppet, but I''ve hit a bit of a wall here. I think it''s time for me to explain what I''m trying to accomplish: I want the enabling of a service in my manifests to configure the monitoring of that service by a nagios server, without needless repetition. Let me explain how my
2012 Jun 12
Nagios hostgroup collation
Hi everyone, I am reconsidering how I am using the Puppet nagios functionality, at the moment I am creating one service for each check on each host. A lot of them are identical, and would be better tied to hostgroups to simplify my config. Namely, I have about 5,000 checks in there now which will go up to about 20K over the next month, and it''s taking about 5-10 minutes for a Puppet
2008 Nov 14
Why no hostgroups parameter for nagios_host types?
Hi, so I''m trying to use the built in nagios_host type and there appears to be one huge glaring hole - the lack of a hostgroups parameter. And before anyone asks why I can''t use the nagios_hostgroup type, if someone can tell me how I can collect members without having to manage the hostgroup members manually, that would be fantastic. There''s a servicegroups parameter
2012 Feb 06
Passing class parameters to hiera
I am using puppet 2.6.11 and want to pass parameter for implementing sudo for mulitple users. So here is my simple code, which I would like to pass to hiera to specify user name lookup. Appreciate any help, thanks in advance. class sudo( $name) { #Class:: sudo # # package { "sudo": ensure => present, } file { "/etc/sudoers": owner => root, group => root,
2020 Jan 30
SSH certificates - restricting to host groups
On 30/01/2020 12:53, Michael Str?der wrote: > On 1/30/20 1:27 PM, Brian Candler wrote: >> I am trying to work out the best way to issue SSH certificates in such >> way that they only allow access to specific usernames*and* only to >> specific groups of host. > I also thought about this for a while. The only idea I came up with is > to have separate CAs used as trust
2013 Aug 07
Nagios XI + Puppet?
Hi All, I currently make use of Icinga (nagios fork) + Puppet for fully automated monitoring. It''s worked great up to this point. I''ve recently been asked to integrate fine grained notifications support into icinga. I''m not entirely sure puppet manifests are the right place to manage contacts, contact groups, and their use within host and service definitions for
2012 Dec 21
Hiera and 'clientcert' fact not working :(
Morning All I''m trying to use Hiera with Puppet 3.0 to streamline some of my module configuration... However I''m having issues using the ''*%{::clientcert}*'' variable as part of the hierarchy... Currently, my *hiera.yaml* file looks like: --- :backends: - yaml - json :yaml: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata :json: :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
2012 Jun 14
Request a way for passing simple info to a package installation
I need to install postfix on a a debian system with puppet. Unfortunately there are a lot of prompts. One way to deal with this is, is: Another way (apparently) is to give an answerfile in the package resource declaration. (I have no idea how to do this) e.g.: echo postfix postfix/main_mailer_type        select  No
2020 Jan 30
SSH certificates - restricting to host groups
On 30/01/2020 15:02, Christian, Mark wrote: > On Thu, 2020-01-30 at 12:27 +0000, Brian Candler wrote: >> As a concrete example: I want Alice to be able to login as "alice" >> and >> "www" to machines in group "webserver" (only). Also, I want Bob to >> be >> able to login as "bob" and "www" to machines in group
2010 Dec 20
foreman issue
Hello! I try to use foreman. It''s successfuly import current nodes from puppet storeconfig. Nodes hostname stored in short form, without domain. After that, i run puppet on newly created additional 5 nodes. They shows in foreman with full fqdn. Os, environment, architecture for this nodes not shown. How can i fix this issue? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to
2011 Sep 11
How To Expand an .erb Template Without Doing a Full Puppet Run?
We use puppet to distribute named zone files, like many of you do. We use git to maintain these files, which are then pulled by the puppet master machine. These zone files are actually puppet template .erb files. The other day, I made a mistake which resulted in some zone files with syntax errors in them. Puppet faithfully distributed the erroneous zone files to the name servers, which killed
2012 Apr 03
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 86, Issue 2
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2015 Jan 08
Re: Error starting domain: internal error: missing IFLA_VF_INFO in netlink response
Hi Laine, Sorry to disturb you. It seemed this issue had been fixed in libvirt-1.2.2/libnl-3.2.22/linux-3.12. But we still got the error on PowerPC platform. I'll appreciate if you could give any suggestion. We are not sure if any netlink implementation in kernel space is missed. The scenario is a little complicated. We installed internal PF and VF kernel modules and want to use