Hi all, I''ve just finished the last major work before a new release (0.23.0). I''ve got my next work planned out, and I want to get this code, with its bug-fixes et al, released. There have been significant internal changes, so I would really appreciate it if people could test it against their systems, especially those who are using non-{Debian,OS X} platforms, like Gentoo and *BSD (since I test most often on Debian and OS X). The biggest changes were in packaging, so I''d like to make sure that packaging support is working everywhere. I should be able to get the release out next week, assuming there are no major problems. I''m still hoping to fix a couple of small bugs (see milestone fozzie[1], to which I''ve assigned bugs for this release). If there are bugs that you think are critical but are not marked for this release, please let me or one of the other committers know. 1 - http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/query? status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&milestone=fozzie&order=priori ty -- There are three social classes in America: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class. --Judith Martin --------------------------------------------------------------------- Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com