Hello, I have a Legrand Keor T [1] monitored via snmp, everything seems to work fine, upsc output looks good [2] except that I can?t get the low battery state "OB LB? as usual (it works fine with others UPS like APC or Dell). Here is the configuration : [lgups] driver = snmp-ups port = community = public snmp_version = v2c mibs = auto pollfreq = 30 Nut version is 2.7.2 (Debian Jessie package). I begin to suspect that the snmp driver or MIB didn?t get the change, is it possible ? or could it only be the UPS itself (snmp bug or configuration issue) ? Any idea on how can I dig more about that ? Cheers, [1] http://ups.legrand.com/product/keor-t/ [2] upsc lgups : battery.charge: 100.00 battery.current: 1.90 battery.runtime: 7320.00 battery.runtime.low: 0.00 battery.temperature: 18.00 battery.voltage: 836.20 device.mfr: Legrand device.model: KEOR T device.type: ups driver.name: snmp-ups driver.parameter.mibs: auto driver.parameter.pollfreq: 5 driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2 driver.parameter.port: driver.parameter.snmp_version: v2c driver.version: 2.7.2 driver.version.data: ietf MIB 1.4 driver.version.internal: 0.72 input.bypass.L1-N.voltage: 236.00 input.bypass.L1.current: 0.00 input.bypass.L1.realpower: 0.00 input.bypass.L2-N.voltage: 237.00 input.bypass.L2.current: 0.00 input.bypass.L2.realpower: 0.00 input.bypass.L3-N.voltage: 236.00 input.bypass.L3.current: 0.00 input.bypass.L3.realpower: 0.00 input.bypass.phases: 3.00 input.frequency.nominal: 0.00 input.L1-N.voltage: 236.00 input.L1.current: 11.00 input.L1.frequency: 50.00 input.L1.realpower: 0.00 input.L2-N.voltage: 237.00 input.L2.current: 10.50 input.L2.frequency: 50.00 input.L2.realpower: 0.00 input.L3-N.voltage: 235.00 input.L3.current: 10.80 input.L3.frequency: 50.00 input.L3.realpower: 0.00 input.phases: 3.00 input.transfer.high: 0.00 input.transfer.low: 0.00 input.voltage.nominal: 0.00 output.frequency: 50.00 output.frequency.nominal: 0.00 output.L1-N.voltage: 230.00 output.L1.current: 4.40 output.L1.power.percent: 6.00 output.L1.realpower: 800.00 output.L2-N.voltage: 230.00 output.L2.current: 6.90 output.L2.power.percent: 11.00 output.L2.realpower: 1467.00 output.L3-N.voltage: 229.00 output.L3.current: 10.80 output.L3.power.percent: 19.00 output.L3.realpower: 2533.00 output.phases: 3.00 output.power.nominal: 0.00 output.realpower.nominal: 0.00 output.voltage.nominal: 0.00 ups.beeper.status: UNKNOWN ups.firmware: n/a ups.firmware.aux: CS121 v 5.41.8 ups.mfr: Legrand ups.model: KEOR T ups.start.auto: no ups.status: OL ups.test.result: no test initiated ups.timer.reboot: -1 ups.timer.shutdown: -1 ups.timer.start: -1
On May 20, 2016, at 11:02 AM, C?dric Lemarchand wrote:> > I begin to suspect that the snmp driver or MIB didn?t get the change, is it possible ? or could it only be the UPS itself (snmp bug or configuration issue) ?I am not as familiar with SNMP, so this might require some adjustment, but what happens if you run the following commands? snmpget -v2c -c public The first value can be interpreted with the following table: static info_lkp_t ietf_battery_info[] = { { 1, "" /* unknown */ }, { 2, "" /* batteryNormal */}, { 3, "LB" /* batteryLow */ }, { 4, "LB" /* batteryDepleted */ }, { 0, NULL } }; Similarly for the second value: static info_lkp_t ietf_power_source_info[] = { { 1, "" /* other */ }, { 2, "OFF" /* none */ }, { 3, "OL" /* normal */ }, { 4, "OL BYPASS" /* bypass */ }, { 5, "OB" /* battery */ }, { 6, "OL BOOST" /* booster */ }, { 7, "OL TRIM" /* reducer */ }, { 0, NULL } }; Reference: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/blob/master/drivers/ietf-mib.c#L38 If these values don't change when the power state changes, then the problem is upstream of NUT. -- Charles Lepple clepple at gmail