Ah, okay, I noted that item and considered it when I connected the UPS the first
time to the Mac and was wondering why it does not comes up again after a power
failure test. But that's not my current problem: my current problem is: how
can I switch off the UPS once the shutdown process of the MAC OS X is done.
I found in a Debian installation for instance that there is a hook into the very
last /etc/init.d script (K90halt or something like that) which calls the ups
driver to send the shutdown command to the UPS. Now I'm looking for such a
hook on the Mac.
Cheers and thanks,
Am 30.08.2011 um 17:44 schrieb Jerome BENOIT:
> On 30/08/11 16:06, Wolfgang Hottgenroth wrote:
>> I'm running Mac OS X. But I can't find my question answered in
the FAQ. Do you have a pointer into the FAQ for me, to the particular part where
you consider my question answered?
> Point 18 :
>> Cheers,
>> Wolfgang
>> Am 30.08.2011 um 16:01 schrieb Jerome BENOIT:
>>> Hello Wolfgang:
>>> if you run Mac OS X, you may find an answer in the FAQ;
>>> if you run Linux, you may check the mailing list archive
>>> as I post something a bout in March.
>>> hth,
>>> Jerome
>>> On 29/08/11 13:14, Wolfgang Hottgenroth wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm using a APC Smart UPS with a Mac Mini, connected using
a USB serial converter.
>>>> Works fine so far, the Mac Mini will be shut down, a NAS
connected of the network to the nut on Mac Mini will also shut down, perfect.
>>>> However, the ups will not be shut down. Very unfortunate, since
the Mac will not start again, if the power comes back before the batteries are
completely empty.
>>>> I read about /etc/killpower and a may be required modification
of the shutdown script.
>>>> But there is no such script in Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
>>>> Can anyone help?
>>>> Thank you very much and cheers,
>>>> Wolfgang
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>>>> Nut-upsuser mailing list
>>>> Nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org