thank you Fr?d?ric for such a support mail,
2007/3/2, Fr?d?ric Massot
<>:> Hi,
> Perhaps as you know it Schneider Electric acquired APC, which involves
> the combination of APC and MGE.
> MGE is an important contributor for NUT with for example Arnaud Quette,
> it's does not that the MGE strategy for the free software is stopped by
> Schneider Electric or APC.
> It is the good moment to make pressure on Schneider Electric, MGE and
> APC to support the NUT project. You can send an email at this address
> "" to ask the free software strategy and
for the
> support of the NUT project.
> It should be made that APC supports really the NUT project and the free
> software. :o)
I'm astonished that nobody has discussed this _important_ point.
The MGE + APC merger represent the biggest manufacturer in the domain,
far away from its followers (powerware, liebert, ...)
The more support from the Community, by mailing to the above address,
the more chance to keep MGE support and get APC one.
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader -
Debian Developer -
OpenSource Developer -