Hi, how can I influence, where mongrel stores temporary files like uploads. As far as I can see, int honours the TMP or TEMP environment. Can I also set it in the configuration file for mongrel? I have not found something about it in the docs. Another thing: When I upload a file, the file is stored 3-4 times: In the TMP by mongrel as mongrel.3400.0 and then as CGI.3400.0 I currently examine the rails application boxroom (I do not expect any answers in this group specific to boxroom), which then itself stores the file twice again for some reason. So at the end I have the same file 4 times on disk (before one of the boxroom files will be deleted by boxroom). I wonder who is responsible for cleaning this up and when? For the two boxroom files, it is clear, it is boxroom. The CGI-File also seems to be cleaned up (I guess by boxroom, I will find out later ;-)). But the mongrel-file persists in the TMP-directory (when something goes wrong, then both files are kept). While the fileupload takes place, the ruby process which runs mongrel uses up to 4 times as much memory as the uploaded file is big (plus what was ruby was using before the request). I now wonder a little bit, why? As far as I can see, boxroom copies the file in 4k-chunks, but I still have not yet fully understood the application. Does mongrel keep the entire file in mem, before it stores it into tmp? The reason, why I ask those questions is, I am planning to build a new platform for our clients to exchange files with our company and I am now examining, how to do this. From the past I know, we have a few clients, which upload files in the size of 1-3 GB (in the future maybe even bigger). But I cannot have 12GB of mem per process, and even on the harddrive an upload should succeed as long as the file fits onto disk. So are there any issues concerning mongrel, which I should take into account. Currently I am testing on WinXP with ruby-1.8.6 and mongrel-1.0.1-mswin32 and rails 1.2.3. The final application will run on linux. Regards Thomas BTW: mongrel is great! Without I would have stopped using rails just after the first project I did because deployment on windows is a mess without mongrel and as far as I could read not much better on linux.